MickSlash pushed to master at MickSlash/SomethingThatDoesntSuck
- e5cbfcd1f8 Carica file su ''
MickSlash created repository MickSlash/SomethingThatDoesntSuck
MickSlash synced commits to master at MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
- c7fd4ba158 FileReadAsync should be as fast as possible.
MickSlash synced commits to master at MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
- a32bba8c68 Small changes to gitlab.io site.
MickSlash synced commits to master at MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
- 39cb2c7c17 Implement the promoitems functions.
- 833510fbf1 Very basic implementations of a few steamhttp functions.
- d531e27ac0 Fixed potential bug. Thanks to Nemirtingas for finding it.
- Compare 3 commits »
MickSlash synced commits to master at MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
- 02ee5f9a6d Implement the TriggerItemDrop function.
- a0648d454c Add a way to set subscribed groups.
- beffb89bda Some refactoring. Added a define for the default callresult/callback timeout.
- Compare 3 commits »
MickSlash synced new reference refs/pipelines/156097365 to MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
MickSlash synced commits to master at MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
- 25d53b6542 Might as well implement the other version of GetItemInstallInfo too.
- 9154f04f60 Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:Goldberguser/goldberg_emulator
- 619a9c9877 Implement old version of GetItemInstallInfo
- Compare 3 commits »
MickSlash synced commits to master at MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
- 66e596ea29 Update to sdk 1.49
MickSlash synced new reference refs/pipelines/156097365 to MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
MickSlash pushed to master at MickSlash/Cocktail-DB
- 6ede5f03fd Aggiunta Classe Quantitá
MickSlash synced new reference refs/merge-requests/31/head to MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
MickSlash synced new reference refs/merge-requests/31/merge to MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
MickSlash pushed to master at MickSlash/Cocktail-DB
- bd2622b7a0 Adding Some CSS Style
MickSlash synced commits to master at MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
- a36d6e475d GetEncryptedAppTicket can be called with cbMaxTicket=0 to get the ticket size.
- 48ea1da91f Add missing steamclient function.
- Compare 2 commits »
MickSlash pushed to master at MickSlash/Cocktail-DB
- 5fd2079f1e Sito Finito!
MickSlash pushed to master at MickSlash/Cocktail-DB
- d348473db2 Modificato CSS Homepage
MickSlash pushed to master at MickSlash/Telgram_Bot
- cfbe4a1f1c Aggiornare 'lordchannel.py'
MickSlash synced commits to master at MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
- ee4f1d7d79 Fix callback being too fast for some games.
MickSlash pushed to master at MickSlash/Cocktail-DB
- 80b05dca53 Aggiunto Form Creazione Cocktail