MickSlash synced commits to master at MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
- 5234d8b0e6 Implement leaderboard scores.
- e59508a696 generate_emu_config.py fixes and improvements.
- Compare 2 commits »
MickSlash synced new reference refs/pipelines/606647409 to MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
MickSlash synced commits to master at MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
- eef92f1fe6 Add early version of script to generate emu config.
MickSlash synced commits to master at MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
- ad66573a20 Fix crashes.
- 528120d102 Multiple achievements can now use the same stat as a trigger.
- Compare 2 commits »
MickSlash synced new reference refs/pipelines/605542726 to MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
MickSlash synced commits to master at MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
- afb32921fc This seems to fix it somehow.
- f8f969b97c Try to fix CI error.
- Compare 2 commits »
MickSlash synced new reference test_ci to MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
MickSlash synced commits to master at MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
- 5c50ca9e86 Fail CI build faster on build error.
- 86dba36dbf Fix CI build issue.
- 5e880cd974 Add achievements display to overlay and ability to change some settings.
- c17fb0c931 Update Nemirtingas overlay to latest.
- df94c38b0f Update imgui to latest.
- Compare 11 commits »
MickSlash synced new reference refs/pipelines/605542726 to MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
MickSlash pushed to master at MickSlash/EpisodeLC
- 894e207a71 #Aggiunta Funzione per Decriptare Premium e Inserite Nuove Immagini Server
MickSlash synced commits to master at MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
- 8695ea2dce Support achievements that are triggered automatically with stats.
- 3f8ce69b6d SDK 1.54
- Compare 2 commits »
MickSlash synced new reference refs/merge-requests/48/head to MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
MickSlash synced new reference refs/merge-requests/48/merge to MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
MickSlash synced new reference refs/merge-requests/49/head to MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
MickSlash synced new reference refs/merge-requests/49/merge to MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
MickSlash synced commits to master at MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
- d8bcb11ef2 The steam api seems to treat bools as the full register not just al.
MickSlash synced commits to master at MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
- 3dab666dd8 Implement the filtertext functions.
- bfe8e156f0 Add message numbers to networking sockets and sort received messages.
- 9c7499aa27 Fix sending to localhost ips.
- 03426b217d Set the appid env variables.
- Compare 4 commits »
MickSlash synced commits to master at MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
- d2ef266f81 SetConfigValue function should return true.
MickSlash synced commits to master at MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
- 994207770b Retry connections in steam networking sockets a few times.
- a8c03fe8cd Fix crash with flat api.
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MickSlash synced commits to master at MickSlash/goldberg_emulator from mirror
- a0e558ed4c Implement some networking sockets functions.
- 6d5cb3181f Make lobby ids more like the ones on steam.
- a88739a753 Update links.
- Compare 3 commits »