More accurate lobby emulation.
Lobby data and lobby member data is now treated as case insensitive just like on real steam If JoinLobby is called multiple time in succession with the same lobby id it returns the same api call id.merge-requests/31/head
@ -88,7 +88,24 @@ public ISteamMatchmaking
std::vector<struct Chat_Entry> chat_entries;
std::vector<struct Data_Requested> data_requested;
std::map<uint64, std::map<std::string, std::string>> self_lobby_member_data;
std::map<uint64, ::google::protobuf::Map<std::string, std::string>> self_lobby_member_data;
auto caseinsensitive_find(const ::google::protobuf::Map< ::std::string, ::std::string >& map, std::string key)
auto x = map.begin();
while (x != map.end()) {
if (std::equal(x->first.begin(), x->first.end(),
key.begin(), key.end(),
[](char a, char b) {
return tolower(a) == tolower(b);
})) {
return x;
Lobby *get_lobby(CSteamID id)
auto lobby = std::find_if(lobbies.begin(), lobbies.end(), [&id](Lobby const& item) { return item.room_id() == id.ConvertToUint64(); });
@ -602,35 +619,12 @@ SteamAPICall_t JoinLobby( CSteamID steamIDLobby )
PRINT_DEBUG("JoinLobby %llu\n", steamIDLobby.ConvertToUint64());
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(global_mutex);
auto pj = std::find_if(pending_joins.begin(), pending_joins.end(), [&steamIDLobby](Pending_Joins const& item) {return item.lobby_id == steamIDLobby;});
if (pj != pending_joins.end()) return pj->api_id;
Pending_Joins pending_join;
pending_join.api_id = callback_results->reserveCallResult();
pending_join.lobby_id = steamIDLobby;
Lobby *lobby = get_lobby(steamIDLobby);
bool success = true;
if (lobby && lobby->deleted()) {
LobbyEnter_t data;
data.m_ulSteamIDLobby = lobby->room_id();
data.m_rgfChatPermissions = 0; //Unused - Always 0
data.m_bLocked = false;
data.m_EChatRoomEnterResponse = k_EChatRoomEnterResponseError;
auto api = callback_results->addCallResult(data.k_iCallback, &data, sizeof(data));
callbacks->addCBResult(data.k_iCallback, &data, sizeof(data));
return api;
if (get_lobby_member(lobby, settings->get_local_steam_id())) {
LobbyEnter_t data;
data.m_ulSteamIDLobby = lobby->room_id();
data.m_rgfChatPermissions = 0; //Unused - Always 0
data.m_bLocked = false;
data.m_EChatRoomEnterResponse = k_EChatRoomEnterResponseSuccess;
auto api = callback_results->addCallResult(data.k_iCallback, &data, sizeof(data));
callbacks->addCBResult(data.k_iCallback, &data, sizeof(data));
return api;
pending_join.joined = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
@ -750,8 +744,8 @@ const char *GetLobbyData( CSteamID steamIDLobby, const char *pchKey )
Lobby *lobby = get_lobby(steamIDLobby);
const char *ret = "";
if (lobby) {
auto result = lobby->values().find(pchKey);
if (result != lobby->values().end()) ret = lobby->values().find(pchKey)->second.c_str();
auto result = caseinsensitive_find(lobby->values(), pchKey);
if (result != lobby->values().end()) ret = result->second.c_str();
PRINT_DEBUG("returned %s\n", ret);
@ -776,11 +770,16 @@ bool SetLobbyData( CSteamID steamIDLobby, const char *pchKey, const char *pchVal
return false;
auto result = lobby->values().find(pchKey);
bool changed = (result == lobby->values().end()) || (result->second != std::string(pchValue));
auto result = caseinsensitive_find(lobby->values(), pchKey);
bool changed = true;
if (result == lobby->values().end()) {
(*lobby->mutable_values())[pchKey] = pchValue;
trigger_lobby_dataupdate(steamIDLobby, steamIDLobby, true, 0.0, changed);
} else {
if (result->second == std::string(pchValue)) changed = false;
(*lobby->mutable_values())[result->first] = pchValue;
trigger_lobby_dataupdate(steamIDLobby, steamIDLobby, true, 0.0, changed);
return true;
@ -853,13 +852,13 @@ const char *GetLobbyMemberData( CSteamID steamIDLobby, CSteamID steamIDUser, con
if (steamIDUser == settings->get_local_steam_id()) {
auto result = self_lobby_member_data.find(steamIDLobby.ConvertToUint64());
if (result != self_lobby_member_data.end()) {
auto value = result->second.find(std::string(pchKey));
auto value = caseinsensitive_find(result->second, std::string(pchKey));
if (value != result->second.end()) {
ret = value->second.c_str();
} else {
auto result = member->values().find(std::string(pchKey));
auto result = caseinsensitive_find(member->values(), std::string(pchKey));
if (result == member->values().end()) return "";
ret = result->second.c_str();
@ -884,7 +883,12 @@ void SetLobbyMemberData( CSteamID steamIDLobby, const char *pchKey, const char *
Lobby_Member *member = get_lobby_member(lobby, settings->get_local_steam_id());
if (member) {
if (lobby->owner() == settings->get_local_steam_id().ConvertToUint64()) {
auto result = caseinsensitive_find(member->values(), std::string(pchKey));
if (result == member->values().end()) {
(*member->mutable_values())[pchKey] = pchValue;
} else {
(*member->mutable_values())[result->first] = pchValue;
trigger_lobby_dataupdate(steamIDLobby, (uint64)member->id(), true);
} else {
Lobby_Messages *message = new Lobby_Messages();
@ -893,10 +897,20 @@ void SetLobbyMemberData( CSteamID steamIDLobby, const char *pchKey, const char *
send_owner_packet(steamIDLobby, message);
auto result = self_lobby_member_data.find(steamIDLobby.ConvertToUint64());
if (result != self_lobby_member_data.end()) {
auto value = caseinsensitive_find(result->second, std::string(pchKey));
if (value != result->second.end()) {
self_lobby_member_data[steamIDLobby.ConvertToUint64()][value->first] = pchValue;
} else {
self_lobby_member_data[steamIDLobby.ConvertToUint64()][pchKey] = pchValue;
} else {
self_lobby_member_data[steamIDLobby.ConvertToUint64()][pchKey] = pchValue;
@ -1155,7 +1169,7 @@ void RunCallbacks()
PRINT_DEBUG("use lobby: %u, filters: %zu, joinable: %u, type: %u, deleted: %u\n", use, filter_values_copy.size(), l.joinable(), l.type(), l.deleted());
for (auto & f : filter_values_copy) {
PRINT_DEBUG("%s:%s/%i %u %i\n", f.key.c_str(), f.value_string.c_str(), f.value_int, f.is_int, f.eComparisonType);
auto value = l.values().find(f.key);
auto value = caseinsensitive_find(l.values(), f.key);
if (value != l.values().end()) {
//TODO: eComparisonType
if (!f.is_int) {
@ -1230,13 +1244,36 @@ void RunCallbacks()
g->message_sent = send_owner_packet(g->lobby_id, message);
Lobby *lobby = get_lobby(g->lobby_id);
if (lobby && lobby->deleted()) {
LobbyEnter_t data;
data.m_ulSteamIDLobby = lobby->room_id();
data.m_rgfChatPermissions = 0; //Unused - Always 0
data.m_bLocked = false;
data.m_EChatRoomEnterResponse = k_EChatRoomEnterResponseDoesntExist;
callback_results->addCallResult(g->api_id, data.k_iCallback, &data, sizeof(data));
callbacks->addCBResult(data.k_iCallback, &data, sizeof(data));
g = pending_joins.erase(g);
} else
if (get_lobby_member(lobby, settings->get_local_steam_id())) {
LobbyEnter_t data;
data.m_ulSteamIDLobby = lobby->room_id();
data.m_rgfChatPermissions = 0; //Unused - Always 0
data.m_bLocked = false;
data.m_EChatRoomEnterResponse = k_EChatRoomEnterResponseSuccess;
callback_results->addCallResult(g->api_id, data.k_iCallback, &data, sizeof(data));
callbacks->addCBResult(data.k_iCallback, &data, sizeof(data));
g = pending_joins.erase(g);
trigger_lobby_dataupdate((uint64)lobby->room_id(), (uint64)lobby->room_id(), true);
} else
if (check_timedout(g->joined, PENDING_JOIN_TIMEOUT)) {
bool success = false;
LobbyEnter_t data;
data.m_ulSteamIDLobby = g->lobby_id.ConvertToUint64();
data.m_rgfChatPermissions = 0; //Unused - Always 0
data.m_bLocked = false;
data.m_EChatRoomEnterResponse = success ? k_EChatRoomEnterResponseSuccess : k_EChatRoomEnterResponseError;
data.m_EChatRoomEnterResponse = k_EChatRoomEnterResponseDoesntExist;
callback_results->addCallResult(g->api_id, data.k_iCallback, &data, sizeof(data));
callbacks->addCBResult(data.k_iCallback, &data, sizeof(data));
g = pending_joins.erase(g);
@ -1375,7 +1412,12 @@ void Callback(Common_Message *msg)
if (member) {
for (auto const &p : msg->lobby_messages().map()) {
PRINT_DEBUG("member data %s:%s\n", p.first.c_str(), p.second.c_str());
auto result = caseinsensitive_find(member->values(), p.first);
if (result == member->values().end()) {
(*member->mutable_values())[p.first] = p.second;
} else {
(*member->mutable_values())[result->first] = p.second;
trigger_lobby_dataupdate((uint64)lobby->room_id(), (uint64)member->id(), true);
Reference in New Issue