import re from functools import reduce import mysql.connector import requests import emoji LC_URL = "" LC_FILEURL = "" session = requests.Session() # CONNESSIONE AL DB mydb = mysql.connector.connect( host="", user="onedrivelink", password="Dinosauroincatenato98", database="lordb_backup" ) def DBSearchAndUpdate(link,value): mycursor = mydb.cursor(buffered=True) sql = "UPDATE tbl_episode SET `link embedded` = %s WHERE `titolo` LIKE %s LIMIT 1" val = (f'{link}',f'%{value}%') mycursor.execute(sql,val) emojitype = "" if mycursor.rowcount == 1: emojitype = emoji.emojize(":check_mark_button:") else: emojitype = emoji.emojize(":cross_mark:") print(f"{emojitype} - {value} - {link}\n") if mycursor.rowcount == 1: text = f"Modificato : {value}" writeToText(text) mydb.commit() else: text = f"Non Modificato : {value}" writeToText(text) def replaceString(string): repls = (".", " "), ("mp4", ""), ("_", " "),("SUB"," "),("ITA"," "),("XX","xx"),("Full HD","") return reduce(lambda a, kv: a.replace(*kv), repls, string) def removeYearString(string): pattern = r"\d{4}" return re.sub(pattern, "", string) def findOneDriveLinks(str): str = replaceString(str) str = removeYearString(str) match_str = re.findall( r"([a-zA-Z0-9]+)", str ) if len(match_str)>0: title = separateUpperString(match_str[0]) del(match_str[0]) match_str = title + match_str new_string = "".join(f"{x} " for x in match_str) return new_string.rstrip() else: print(match_str) def separateUpperString(str): return re.findall('[a-zA-Z][^A-Z]*', str) def apiOneDrive(folderType=None,nameFile=None,epstyle=True): apiURL = f"{LC_URL}{folderType}" rawURL = f"{LC_FILEURL}{folderType}" counter = 1 r = session.get(apiURL) if r.status_code == 200: r = r.json() data = r["folder"]["value"] if "next" in r: while "next" in r: nextLink = r["next"] r = session.get(f"{apiURL}&next={nextLink}").json() data.extend(r["folder"]["value"]) fileCount = len(data) fileFinderDB(nameFile, rawURL, data, counter,epstyle) print(f"Modifica provata su {fileCount} file in totale!") mydb.close() else: print(r.status_code) print(r.content) def fileFinderDB(nameFile, rawURL, data, counter,epstyle): for file in data: mp4File = file["name"] if nameFile: if counter<10 and epstyle: fileName = f"{nameFile}E0{counter}" elif counter < 10: fileName = f"{nameFile} Ep 0{counter}" elif counter>=10 and epstyle: fileName = f"{nameFile}E{counter}" else: fileName = f"{nameFile} Ep {counter}" else: fileName = findOneDriveLinks(file["name"]) link = f"{rawURL}{mp4File}" counter+=1 DBSearchAndUpdate(link,fileName) def writeToText(text): with open('link_modificati.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8', errors="ignore") as f: f.write(f"{text}\n") if __name__ == "__main__": apiOneDrive("MLIF/") # Esempio