121 lines
4.4 KiB
121 lines
4.4 KiB
"use strict";
// Public modules from npm
const puppeteer = require("puppeteer");
// Modules from file
const shared = require("./shared.js");
const constURLs = require("./constants/urls.js");
const selectors = require("./constants/css-selectors.js");
const { preparePage } = require("./puppeteer-helper.js");
* @protected
* Search the F95Zone portal to find possible conversations regarding the game you are looking for.
* @param {puppeteer.Browser} browser Browser object used for navigation
* @param {String} gamename Name of the game to search for
* @returns {Promise<String[]>} List of URL of possible games obtained from the preliminary research on the F95 portal
module.exports.getSearchGameResults = async function (browser, gamename) {
if (shared.debug) console.log("Searching " + gamename + " on F95Zone");
let page = await preparePage(browser); // Set new isolated page
await page.setCookie(...shared.cookies); // Set cookies to avoid login
await page.goto(constURLs.F95_SEARCH_URL, {
waitUntil: shared.WAIT_STATEMENT,
}); // Go to the search form and wait for it
// Explicitly wait for the required items to load
await page.waitForSelector(selectors.SEARCH_FORM_TEXTBOX);
await page.waitForSelector(selectors.TITLE_ONLY_CHECKBOX);
await page.waitForSelector(selectors.SEARCH_BUTTON);
await page.type(selectors.SEARCH_FORM_TEXTBOX, gamename); // Type the game we desire
await page.click(selectors.TITLE_ONLY_CHECKBOX); // Select only the thread with the game in the titles
await page.click(selectors.SEARCH_BUTTON); // Execute search
await page.waitForNavigation({
waitUntil: shared.WAIT_STATEMENT,
}); // Wait for page to load
// Select all conversation titles
let resultsThread = await page.$$(selectors.SEARCH_THREADS_RESULTS_BODY);
// For each element found extract the info about the conversation
if (shared.debug) console.log("Extracting info from conversations");
let results = [];
for (let element of resultsThread) {
let gameUrl = await getOnlyGameThreads(page, element);
if (gameUrl !== null) results.push(gameUrl);
if (shared.debug) console.log("Find " + results.length + " conversations");
await page.close(); // Close the page
return results;
//#region Private methods
* @private
* Return the link of a conversation if it is a game or a mod.
* @param {puppeteer.Page} page Page containing the conversation to be analyzed
* @param {puppeteer.ElementHandle} divHandle Element of the conversation to be analyzed
* @return {Promise<String>} URL of the game/mod or null if the URL is not of a game
async function getOnlyGameThreads(page, divHandle) {
// Obtain the elements containing the basic information
let titleHandle = await divHandle.$(selectors.THREAD_TITLE);
let forumHandle = await divHandle.$(selectors.SEARCH_THREADS_MEMBERSHIP);
// Get the forum where the thread was posted
let forum = await getMembershipForum(page, forumHandle);
if (forum !== "GAMES" && forum != "MODS") return null;
// Get the URL of the thread from the title
return await getThreadURL(page, titleHandle);
* @private
* Obtain the membership forum of the thread passed throught "handle".
* @param {puppeteer.Page} page Page containing the conversation to be analyzed
* @param {puppeteer.ElementHandle} handle Handle containing the forum membership
* @returns {Promise<String>} Uppercase membership category
async function getMembershipForum(page, handle) {
// The link can be something like:
// + /forums/request.NUMBER/
// + /forums/game-recommendations-identification.NUMBER/
// + /forums/games.NUMBER/ <-- We need this
let link = await page.evaluate(
/* istanbul ignore next */
(e) => e.getAttribute("href"),
// Parse link
link = link.replace("/forums/", "");
let endIndex = link.indexOf(".");
let forum = link.substring(0, endIndex);
return forum.toUpperCase();
* @private
* Obtain the URL of the thread passed through "handle".
* @param {puppeteer.Page} page Page containing the conversation to be analyzed
* @param {puppeteer.ElementHandle} handle Handle containing the thread title
* @returns {Promise<String>} URL of the thread
async function getThreadURL(page, handle) {
let relativeURLThread = await page.evaluate(
/* istanbul ignore next */
(e) => e.querySelector("a").href,
let urlThread = new URL(relativeURLThread, constURLs.F95_BASE_URL).toString();
return urlThread;
//#endregion Private methods