203 lines
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203 lines
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"use strict";
// Modules from file
import shared from "./scripts/shared.js";
import search from "./scripts/search.js";
import { authenticate, urlExists, isF95URL } from "./scripts/network-helper.js";
import fetchLatestHandiworkURLs from "./scripts/fetch-data/fetch-latest.js";
import fetchPlatformData from "./scripts/fetch-data/fetch-platform-data.js";
import getHandiworkInformation from "./scripts/scrape-data/handiwork-parse.js";
import { IBasic } from "./scripts/interfaces.js";
// Classes from file
import Credentials from "./scripts/classes/credentials.js";
import LoginResult from "./scripts/classes/login-result.js";
import UserProfile from "./scripts/classes/mapping/user-profile.js";
import LatestSearchQuery from "./scripts/classes/query/latest-search-query.js";
import HandiworkSearchQuery from "./scripts/classes/query/handiwork-search-query.js";
import HandiWork from "./scripts/classes/handiwork/handiwork.js";
import { UserNotLogged } from "./scripts/classes/errors.js";
//#region Global variables
const USER_NOT_LOGGED = "User not authenticated, unable to continue";
//#region Re-export classes
export { default as Animation } from "./scripts/classes/handiwork/animation.js";
export { default as Asset } from "./scripts/classes/handiwork/asset.js";
export { default as Comic } from "./scripts/classes/handiwork/comic.js";
export { default as Game } from "./scripts/classes/handiwork/game.js";
export { default as Handiwork } from "./scripts/classes/handiwork/handiwork.js";
export { default as PlatformUser } from "./scripts/classes/mapping/platform-user.js";
export { default as Post } from "./scripts/classes/mapping/post.js";
export { default as Thread } from "./scripts/classes/mapping/thread.js";
export { default as UserProfile } from "./scripts/classes/mapping/user-profile.js";
export { default as HandiworkSearchQuery } from "./scripts/classes/query/handiwork-search-query.js";
export { default as LatestSearchQuery } from "./scripts/classes/query/latest-search-query.js";
export { default as ThreadSearchQuery } from "./scripts/classes/query/thread-search-query.js";
//#endregion Re-export classes
//#region Export properties
* Set the logger level for module debugging.
/* istambul ignore next */
export var loggerLevel = shared.logger.level;
shared.logger.level = "warn"; // By default log only the warn messages
* Indicates whether a user is logged in to the F95Zone platform or not.
export function isLogged(): boolean { return shared.isLogged; };
//#endregion Export properties
//#region Export methods
* Log in to the F95Zone platform.
* This **must** be the first operation performed before accessing any other script functions.
export async function login(username: string, password: string): Promise<LoginResult> {
// Try to load a previous session
await shared.session.load();
// If the session is valid, return
if (shared.session.isValid(username, password)) {
shared.logger.info(`Loading previous session for ${username}`);
// Load platform data
await fetchPlatformData();
return new LoginResult(true, `${username} already authenticated (session)`);
// Creating credentials and fetch unique platform token
shared.logger.trace("Fetching token...");
const creds = new Credentials(username, password);
await creds.fetchToken();
shared.logger.trace(`Authentication for ${username}`);
const result = await authenticate(creds);
if (result.success) {
// Load platform data
await fetchPlatformData();
// Recreate the session, overwriting the old one
shared.session.create(username, password, creds.token);
await shared.session.save();
shared.logger.info("User logged in through the platform");
} else shared.logger.warn(`Error during authentication: ${result.message}`);
return result;
* Chek if exists a new version of the handiwork.
* You **must** be logged in to the portal before calling this method.
export async function checkIfHandiworkHasUpdate(hw: HandiWork): Promise<boolean> {
// Local variables
let hasUpdate = false;
// Check if the user is logged
if (!shared.isLogged) throw new UserNotLogged(USER_NOT_LOGGED);
// F95 change URL at every game update,
// so if the URL is different an update is available
if (await urlExists(hw.url, true)) {
// Fetch the online handiwork
const onlineHw = await getHandiworkFromURL<HandiWork>(hw.url);
// Compare the versions
hasUpdate = onlineHw.version?.toUpperCase() !== hw.version?.toUpperCase();
return hasUpdate;
* Search for one or more handiworks identified by a specific query.
* You **must** be logged in to the portal before calling this method.
* @param {HandiworkSearchQuery} query Parameters used for the search.
* @param {Number} limit Maximum number of results. Default: 10
export async function searchHandiwork<T extends IBasic>(query: HandiworkSearchQuery, limit: number = 10): Promise<T[]> {
// Check if the user is logged
if (!shared.isLogged) throw new UserNotLogged(USER_NOT_LOGGED);
return search<T>(query, limit);
* Given the url, it gets all the information about the handiwork requested.
* You **must** be logged in to the portal before calling this method.
export async function getHandiworkFromURL<T extends IBasic>(url: string): Promise<T> {
// Check if the user is logged
if (!shared.isLogged) throw new UserNotLogged(USER_NOT_LOGGED);
// Check URL validity
const exists = await urlExists(url);
if (!exists) throw new URIError(`${url} is not a valid URL`);
if (!isF95URL(url)) throw new Error(`${url} is not a valid F95Zone URL`);
// Get game data
return getHandiworkInformation<T>(url);
* Gets the data of the currently logged in user.
* You **must** be logged in to the portal before calling this method.
* @returns {Promise<UserProfile>} Data of the user currently logged in
export async function getUserData(): Promise<UserProfile> {
// Check if the user is logged
if (!shared.isLogged) throw new UserNotLogged(USER_NOT_LOGGED);
// Create and fetch profile data
const profile = new UserProfile();
await profile.fetch();
return profile;
* Gets the latest updated games that match the specified parameters.
* You **must** be logged in to the portal before calling this method.
* @param {LatestSearchQuery} query Parameters used for the search.
* @param {Number} limit Maximum number of results. Default: 10
export async function getLatestUpdates<T extends IBasic>(query: LatestSearchQuery, limit: number = 10): Promise<T[]> {
// Check limit value
if (limit <= 0) throw new Error("limit must be greater than 0");
// Check if the user is logged
if (!shared.isLogged) throw new UserNotLogged(USER_NOT_LOGGED);
// Fetch the results
const urls = await fetchLatestHandiworkURLs(query, limit);
// Get the data from urls
const promiseList = urls.map((u: string) => getHandiworkInformation<T>(u));
return Promise.all(promiseList);