"use strict"; // Public modules from npm const cheerio = require("cheerio"); // Modules from file const { fetchHTML, getUrlRedirect } = require("./network-helper.js"); const shared = require("./shared.js"); const GameInfo = require("./classes/game-info.js"); const f95Selector = require("./constants/css-selector.js"); /** * @protected * Get information from the game's main page. * @param {String} url URL of the game/mod to extract data from * @return {Promise} Complete information about the game you are * looking for or `null` if is impossible to parse information */ module.exports.getGameInfo = async function (url) { shared.logger.info("Obtaining game info"); // Fetch HTML and prepare Cheerio const html = await fetchHTML(url); const $ = cheerio.load(html); const body = $("body"); const mainPost = $(f95Selector.GS_POSTS).first(); // Extract data const titleData = extractInfoFromTitle(body); const tags = extractTags(body); const prefixesData = parseGamePrefixes(body); const src = extractPreviewSource(body); const changelog = extractChangelog(mainPost); const structuredData = extractStructuredData(body); // Sometimes the JSON-LD are not set, especially in low-profile game if(!structuredData) return null; const parsedInfos = parseMainPostText(structuredData.description); const overview = getOverview(structuredData.description, prefixesData.mod); // Obtain the updated URL const redirectUrl = await getUrlRedirect(url); // Fill in the GameInfo element with the information obtained const info = new GameInfo(); info.id = extractIDFromURL(url); info.name = titleData.name; info.author = titleData.author; info.isMod = prefixesData.mod; info.engine = prefixesData.engine; info.status = prefixesData.status; info.tags = tags; info.url = redirectUrl; info.language = parsedInfos.Language; info.overview = overview; info.supportedOS = parsedInfos.SupportedOS; info.censored = parsedInfos.Censored; info.lastUpdate = parsedInfos.LastUpdate; info.previewSrc = src; info.changelog = changelog; info.version = titleData.version; shared.logger.info(`Founded data for ${info.name}`); return info; }; //#region Private methods /** * @private * Parse the game prefixes obtaining the engine used, * the advancement status and if the game is actually a game or a mod. * @param {cheerio.Cheerio} body Page `body` selector * @returns {Object.} Dictionary of values with keys `engine`, `status`, `mod` */ function parseGamePrefixes(body) { shared.logger.trace("Parsing prefixes..."); // Local variables let mod = false, engine = null, status = null; // Obtain the title prefixes const prefixeElements = body.find(f95Selector.GT_TITLE_PREFIXES); prefixeElements.each(function parseGamePrefix(idx, el) { // Obtain the prefix text let prefix = cheerio.load(el).text().trim(); // Remove the square brackets prefix = prefix.replace("[", "").replace("]", ""); // Check what the prefix indicates if (isEngine(prefix)) engine = prefix; else if (isStatus(prefix)) status = prefix; else if (isMod(prefix)) mod = true; }); // If the status is not set, then the game in in development (Ongoing) if (!status) status = "Ongoing"; return { engine, status, mod }; } /** * @private * Extracts all the possible informations from the title. * @param {cheerio.Cheerio} body Page `body` selector * @returns {Object.} Dictionary of values with keys `name`, `author`, `version` */ function extractInfoFromTitle(body) { shared.logger.trace("Extracting information from title..."); const title = body .find(f95Selector.GT_TITLE) .text() .trim(); // From the title we can extract: Name, author and version // [PREFIXES] TITLE [VERSION] [AUTHOR] const matches = title.match(/\[(.*?)\]/g); // Get the title name let name = title; matches.forEach(function replaceElementsInTitle(e) { name = name.replace(e, ""); }); name = name.trim(); // The version is the penultimate element. // If the matches are less than 2, than the title // is malformes and only the author is fetched // (usually the author is always present) let version = null; if (matches.length >= 2) { // The regex [[\]]+ remove the square brackets version = matches[matches.length - 2].replace(/[[\]]+/g, "").trim(); // Remove the trailing "v" if (version[0] === "v") version = version.replace("v", ""); } else shared.logger.trace(`Malformed title: ${title}`); // Last element (the regex [[\]]+ remove the square brackets) const author = matches[matches.length - 1].replace(/[[\]]+/g, "").trim(); return { name, version, author, }; } /** * @private * Gets the tags used to classify the game. * @param {cheerio.Cheerio} body Page `body` selector * @returns {String[]} List of tags */ function extractTags(body) { shared.logger.trace("Extracting tags..."); // Get the game tags const tagResults = body.find(f95Selector.GT_TAGS); return tagResults.map(function parseGameTags(idx, el) { return cheerio.load(el).text().trim(); }).get(); } /** * @private * Gets the URL of the image used as a preview. * @param {cheerio.Cheerio} body Page `body` selector * @returns {String} URL of the image */ function extractPreviewSource(body) { shared.logger.trace("Extracting image preview source..."); const image = body.find(f95Selector.GT_IMAGES); // The "src" attribute is rendered only in a second moment, // we need the "static" src value saved in the attribute "data-src" const source = image ? image.attr("data-src") : null; return source; } /** * @private * Gets the changelog of the latest version. * @param {cheerio.Cheerio} mainPost main post selector * @returns {String} Changelog of the last version or `null` if no changelog is fetched */ function extractChangelog(mainPost) { shared.logger.trace("Extracting last changelog..."); // Obtain the changelog for ALL the versions let changelog = mainPost.find(f95Selector.GT_LAST_CHANGELOG).text().trim(); // Parse the latest changelog const endChangelog = changelog.indexOf("\nv"); // \n followed by version (v) if (endChangelog !== -1) changelog = changelog.substring(0, endChangelog + 1); // Clean changelog changelog = changelog.replace("Spoiler", ""); changelog = changelog.replace(/\n+/g, "\n"); // Multiple /n changelog = changelog.trim(); // Delete the version at the start of the changelog const firstNewLine = changelog.indexOf("\n"); const supposedVersion = changelog.substring(0, firstNewLine); if (supposedVersion[0] === "v") changelog = changelog.substring(firstNewLine).trim(); // Return changelog return changelog ? changelog : null; } /** * @private * Process the main post text to get all the useful * information in the format *DESCRIPTOR : VALUE*. * Gets "standard" values such as: `Language`, `SupportedOS`, `Censored`, and `LastUpdate`. * All non-canonical values are instead grouped together as a dictionary with the key `Various`. * @param {String} text Structured text of the post * @returns {Object.} Dictionary of information */ function parseMainPostText(text) { shared.logger.trace("Parsing main post raw text..."); const data = {}; // The information searched in the game post are one per line const splittedText = text.split("\n"); for (const line of splittedText) { if (!line.includes(":")) continue; // Create pair key/value const splitted = line.split(":"); const key = splitted[0].trim().toUpperCase().replace(/ /g, "_"); // Uppercase to avoid mismatch const value = splitted[1].trim(); // Add pair to the dict if valid if (value !== "") data[key] = value; } // Parse the standard pairs const parsedDict = {}; // Check if the game is censored if (data.CENSORED) { const censored = data.CENSORED.toUpperCase() === "NO" ? false : true; parsedDict["Censored"] = censored; delete data.CENSORED; } // Last update of the main post if (data.UPDATED) { parsedDict["LastUpdate"] = new Date(data.UPDATED); delete data.UPDATED; } else if (data.THREAD_UPDATED) { parsedDict["LastUpdate"] = new Date(data.THREAD_UPDATED); delete data.THREAD_UPDATED; } // Parse the supported OS if (data.OS) { const listOS = []; // Usually the string is something like "Windows, Linux, Mac" const splitted = data.OS.split(","); splitted.forEach(function (os) { listOS.push(os.trim()); }); parsedDict["SupportedOS"] = listOS; delete data.OS; } // Rename the key for the language if (data.LANGUAGE) { parsedDict["Language"] = data.LANGUAGE; delete data.LANGUAGE; } // What remains is added to a sub dictionary parsedDict["Various"] = data; return parsedDict; } /** * @private * Extracts and processes the JSON-LD values found at the bottom of the page. * @param {cheerio.Cheerio} body Page `body` selector * @returns {Object.} JSON-LD or `null` if no valid JSON is found */ function extractStructuredData(body) { shared.logger.trace("Extracting JSON-LD data..."); const structuredDataElements = body.find(f95Selector.GT_JSONLD); const json = structuredDataElements.map(function parseScriptTag(idx, el) { // Get the element HTML const html = cheerio.load(el).html().trim(); // Obtain the JSON-LD const data = html .replace("", ""); // Convert the string to an object const json = JSON.parse(data); // Return only the data of the game if (json["@type"] === "Book") return json; }).get(); return json.lenght !== 0 ? json[0] : null; } /** * @private * Get the game description from its web page. * Different processing depending on whether the game is a mod or not. * @param {String} text Structured text extracted from the game's web page * @param {Boolean} mod Specify if it is a game or a mod * @returns {String} Game description */ function getOverview(text, mod) { shared.logger.trace("Extracting game overview..."); // Get overview (different parsing for game and mod) const overviewEndIndex = mod ? text.indexOf("Updated") : text.indexOf("Thread Updated"); return text.substring(0, overviewEndIndex).replace("Overview:\n", "").trim(); } /** * @private * Check if the prefix is a game's engine. * @param {String} prefix Prefix to check * @return {Boolean} */ function isEngine(prefix) { const engines = toUpperCaseArray(shared.engines); return engines.includes(prefix.toUpperCase()); } /** * @private * Check if the prefix is a game's status. * @param {String} prefix Prefix to check * @return {Boolean} */ function isStatus(prefix) { const statuses = toUpperCaseArray(shared.statuses); return statuses.includes(prefix.toUpperCase()); } /** * @private * Check if the prefix indicates a mod. * @param {String} prefix Prefix to check * @return {Boolean} */ function isMod(prefix) { const modPrefixes = ["MOD", "CHEAT MOD"]; return modPrefixes.includes(prefix.toUpperCase()); } /** * @private * Extracts the game's unique ID from the game's URL. * @param {String} url Game's URL * @return {Number} Game's ID */ function extractIDFromURL(url) { // URL are in the format https://f95zone.to/threads/GAMENAME-VERSION-DEVELOPER.ID/ // or https://f95zone.to/threads/ID/ const match = url.match(/([0-9]+)(?=\/|\b)(?!-|\.)/); if(!match) return -1; // Parse and return number return parseInt(match[0], 10); } /** * @private * Makes an array of strings uppercase. * @param {String[]} a * @returns {String[]} */ function toUpperCaseArray(a) { // If the array is empty, return if(a.length === 0) return []; /** * Makes a string uppercase. * @param {String} s * @returns {String} */ function toUpper(s) { return s.toUpperCase(); } return a.map(toUpper); } //#endregion Private methods