'use strict'; // Core modules const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); // Public modules from npm const urlExist = require('url-exist'); // Modules from file const shared = require('./scripts/shared.js'); const constURLs = require('./scripts/costants/urls.js'); const constSelectors = require('./scripts/costants/css-selectors.js'); const { isStringAValidURL } = require('./scripts/urls-helper.js'); const gameScraper = require('./scripts/game-scraper.js'); const { prepareBrowser, preparePage } = require('./scripts/puppeteer-helper.js'); const GameInfo = require('./scripts/classes/game-info.js').GameInfo; const LoginResult = require('./scripts/classes/login-result.js').LoginResult; const UserData = require('./scripts/classes/user-data.js').UserData; //#region Directories const CACHE_PATH = './f95cache'; const COOKIES_SAVE_PATH = path.join(CACHE_PATH, 'cookies.json'); const ENGINES_SAVE_PATH = path.join(CACHE_PATH, 'engines.json'); const STATUSES_SAVE_PATH = path.join(CACHE_PATH, 'statuses.json'); // Create directory if it doesn't exist if (!fs.existsSync(CACHE_PATH)) fs.mkdirSync(CACHE_PATH); //#endregion Directories //#region Exposed properties /** * * @param {Boolean} value */ module.exports.debug = function (value) { shared.debug = value; } module.exports.isLogged = function () { return shared.isLogged; }; //#endregion Exposed properties //#region Export methods /** * @public * Log in to the F95Zone platform. * This **must** be the first operation performed before accessing any other script functions. * @param {String} username Username used for login * @param {String} password Password used for login * @returns {Promise} Result of the operation */ module.exports.login = async function (username, password) { if (shared.isLogged) { if (shared.debug) console.log("Already logged in"); let result = new LoginResult(); result.success = true; result.message = 'Already logged in'; return result; } // If cookies are loaded, use them to authenticate shared.cookies = loadCookies(); if (shared.cookies !== null) { if (shared.debug) console.log('Valid session, no need to re-authenticate'); shared.isLogged = true; let result = new LoginResult(); result.success = true; result.message = 'Logged with cookies'; return result; } // Else, log in throught browser if (shared.debug) console.log('No saved sessions or expired session, login on the platform'); let browser = await prepareBrowser(); let result = await loginF95(browser, username, password); shared.isLogged = result.success; if (result.success) { // Reload cookies shared.cookies = loadCookies(); if (shared.debug) console.log('User logged in through the platform'); } else { console.warn('Error during authentication: ' + result.message); } await browser.close(); return result; } /** * @public * This method loads the main data from the F95 portal * used to provide game information. You **must** be logged * in to the portal before calling this method. * @returns {Promise} Result of the operation */ module.exports.loadF95BaseData = async function () { if (!shared.isLogged) { console.warn('User not authenticated, unable to continue'); return false; } if (shared.debug) console.log('Loading base data...'); // Prepare a new web page let browser = await prepareBrowser(); let page = await preparePage(browser); // Set new isolated page await page.setCookie(...shared.cookies); // Set cookies to avoid login // Go to latest update page and wait for it to load await page.goto(constURLs.F95_LATEST_UPDATES, { waitUntil: shared.WAIT_STATEMENT }); // Obtain engines (disc/online) await page.waitForSelector(constSelectors.ENGINE_ID_SELECTOR); shared.engines = await loadValuesFromLatestPage(page, ENGINES_SAVE_PATH, constSelectors.ENGINE_ID_SELECTOR, 'engines'); // Obtain statuses (disc/online) await page.waitForSelector(constSelectors.STATUS_ID_SELECTOR); shared.statuses = await loadValuesFromLatestPage(page, STATUSES_SAVE_PATH, constSelectors.STATUS_ID_SELECTOR, 'statuses'); await browser.close(); if (shared.debug) console.log('Base data loaded'); return true; } /** * @public * Returns the currently online version of the specified game. * You **must** be logged in to the portal before calling this method. * @param {GameInfo} info Information about the game to get the version for * @returns {Promise} Currently online version of the specified game */ module.exports.getGameVersion = async function (info) { if (!shared.isLogged) { console.warn('user not authenticated, unable to continue'); return info.version; } let urlExists = await urlExist(info.f95url.toString()); // F95 change URL at every game update, so if the URL is the same no update is available if (urlExists) return info.version; else return await module.exports.getGameData(info.name, info.isMod).version; } /** * @public * Starting from the name, it gets all the information about the game you are looking for. * You **must** be logged in to the portal before calling this method. * @param {String} name Name of the game searched * @param {Boolean} includeMods Indicates whether to also take mods into account when searching * @returns {Promise} List of information obtained where each item corresponds to * an identified game (in the case of homonymy). If no games were found, null is returned */ module.exports.getGameData = async function (name, includeMods) { if (!shared.isLogged) { console.warn('user not authenticated, unable to continue'); return null; } // Gets the search results of the game being searched for let browser = await prepareBrowser(); let urlList = await getSearchGameResults(browser, name); // Process previous partial results let promiseList = []; for (let url of urlList) { // Start looking for information promiseList.push(gameScraper.getGameInfo(browser, url)); } // Filter for mods let result = []; for (let info of await Promise.all(promiseList)) { // Skip mods if not required if (info.isMod && !includeMods) continue; else result.push(info); } await browser.close(); return result; } /** * @public * Gets the data of the currently logged in user. * @returns {Promise} Data of the user currently logged in or null if an error arise */ module.exports.getUserData = async function () { if (!shared.isLogged) { console.warn('user not authenticated, unable to continue'); return null; } // Prepare a new web page let browser = await prepareBrowser(); let page = await preparePage(browser); // Set new isolated page await page.setCookie(...shared.cookies); // Set cookies to avoid login await page.goto(constURLs.F95_BASE_URL); // Go to base page // Explicitly wait for the required items to load await page.waitForSelector(constSelectors.USERNAME_ELEMENT); await page.waitForSelector(constSelectors.AVATAR_PIC); let threads = getUserWatchedGameThreads(browser); let username = await page.evaluate( /* istanbul ignore next */ (selector) => document.querySelector(selector).innerText, constSelectors.USERNAME_ELEMENT); let avatarSrc = await page.evaluate( /* istanbul ignore next */ (selector) => document.querySelector(selector).getAttribute('src'), constSelectors.AVATAR_PIC); let ud = new UserData(); ud.username = username; ud.avatarSrc = isStringAValidURL(avatarSrc) ? new URL(avatarSrc) : null; ud.watchedThreads = await threads; await page.close(); await browser.close(); return ud; } module.exports.logout = function() { shared.isLogged = false; } //#endregion //#region Private methods //#region Cookies functions /** * @private * Loads and verifies the expiration of previously stored cookies from disk * if they exist, otherwise it returns null. * @return {object[]} List of dictionaries or null if cookies don't exist */ function loadCookies() { // Check the existence of the cookie file if (fs.existsSync(COOKIES_SAVE_PATH)) { // Read cookies let cookiesJSON = fs.readFileSync(COOKIES_SAVE_PATH); let cookies = JSON.parse(cookiesJSON); // Check if the cookies have expired for (let cookie of cookies) { if (isCookieExpired(cookie)) return null; } // Cookies loaded and verified return cookies; } else return null; } /** * @private * Check the validity of a cookie. * @param {object} cookie Cookies to verify the validity. It's a dictionary * @returns {Boolean} true if the cookie has expired, false otherwise */ function isCookieExpired(cookie) { // Local variables let expiredCookies = false; // Ignore cookies that never expire let expirationUnixTimestamp = cookie['expire']; if (expirationUnixTimestamp !== '-1') { // Convert UNIX epoch timestamp to normal Date let expirationDate = new Date(expirationUnixTimestamp * 1000); if (expirationDate < Date.now()) { if (shared.debug) console.log('Cookie ' + cookie['name'] + ' expired, you need to re-authenticate'); expiredCookies = true; } } return expiredCookies; } //#endregion Cookies functions //#region Latest Updates page parserer /** * @private * If present, it reads the file containing the searched values (engines or states) * from the disk, otherwise it connects to the F95 portal (at the page * https://f95zone.to/latest) and downloads them. * @param {puppeteer.Page} page Page used to locate the required elements * @param {String} path Path to disk of the JSON file containing the data to read / write * @param {String} selector CSS selector of the required elements * @param {String} elementRequested Required element (engines or states) used to detail log messages * @returns {Promise} List of required values in uppercase */ async function loadValuesFromLatestPage(page, path, selector, elementRequested) { // If the values already exist they are loaded from disk without having to connect to F95 if (shared.debug) console.log('Load ' + elementRequested + ' from disk...'); if (fs.existsSync(path)) { let valueJSON = fs.readFileSync(path); return JSON.parse(valueJSON); } // Otherwise, connect and download the data from the portal if (shared.debug) console.log('No ' + elementRequested + ' cached, downloading...'); let values = await getValuesFromLatestPage(page, selector, 'Getting ' + elementRequested + ' from page'); fs.writeFileSync(path, JSON.stringify(values)); return values; } /** * @private * Gets all the textual values of the elements present * in the F95 portal page and identified by the selector * passed by parameter * @param {puppeteer.Page} page Page used to locate items specified by the selector * @param {String} selector CSS selector * @param {String} logMessage Log message indicating which items the selector is requesting * @return {Promise} List of uppercase strings indicating the textual values of the elements identified by the selector */ async function getValuesFromLatestPage(page, selector, logMessage) { if (shared.debug) console.log(logMessage); let result = []; let elements = await page.$$(selector); for (let element of elements) { let text = await element.evaluate( /* istanbul ignore next */ e => e.innerText); // Save as upper text for better match if used in query result.push(text.toUpperCase()); } return result; } //#endregion //#region User /** * @private * Log in to the F95Zone portal and, if successful, save the cookies. * @param {puppeteer.Browser} browser Browser object used for navigation * @param {String} username Username to use during login * @param {String} password Password to use during login * @returns {Promise} Result of the operation */ async function loginF95(browser, username, password) { let page = await preparePage(browser); // Set new isolated page await page.goto(constURLs.F95_LOGIN_URL); // Go to login page // Explicitly wait for the required items to load await page.waitForSelector(constSelectors.USERNAME_INPUT); await page.waitForSelector(constSelectors.PASSWORD_INPUT); await page.waitForSelector(constSelectors.LOGIN_BUTTON); await page.type(constSelectors.USERNAME_INPUT, username); // Insert username await page.type(constSelectors.PASSWORD_INPUT, password); // Insert password await page.click(constSelectors.LOGIN_BUTTON); // Click on the login button await page.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: shared.WAIT_STATEMENT }); // Wait for page to load // Prepare result let result = new LoginResult(); // Check if the user is logged in result.success = await page.evaluate( /* istanbul ignore next */ (selector) => document.querySelector(selector) !== null, constSelectors.AVATAR_INFO); // Save cookies to avoid re-auth if (result.success) { let c = await page.cookies(); fs.writeFileSync(COOKIES_SAVE_PATH, JSON.stringify(c)); result.message = 'Authentication successful'; } // Obtain the error message else if (await page.evaluate( /* istanbul ignore next */ (selector) => document.querySelector(selector) !== null, constSelectors.LOGIN_MESSAGE_ERROR)) { let errorMessage = await page.evaluate( /* istanbul ignore next */ (selector) => document.querySelector(selector).innerText, constSelectors.LOGIN_MESSAGE_ERROR); if (errorMessage === 'Incorrect password. Please try again.') { result.message = 'Incorrect password'; } else if (errorMessage === "The requested user '" + username + "' could not be found.") { result.message = 'Incorrect username'; } else result.message = errorMessage; } else result.message = "Unknown error"; await page.close(); // Close the page return result; } /** * @private * Gets the list of URLs of threads the user follows. * @param {puppeteer.Browser} browser Browser object used for navigation * @returns {Promise} URL list */ async function getUserWatchedGameThreads(browser) { let page = await preparePage(browser); // Set new isolated page await page.goto(constURLs.F95_WATCHED_THREADS); // Go to the thread page // Explicitly wait for the required items to load await page.waitForSelector(constSelectors.WATCHED_THREAD_FILTER_POPUP_BUTTON); // Show the popup await page.click(constSelectors.WATCHED_THREAD_FILTER_POPUP_BUTTON); await page.waitForSelector(constSelectors.UNREAD_THREAD_CHECKBOX); await page.waitForSelector(constSelectors.ONLY_GAMES_THREAD_OPTION); await page.waitForSelector(constSelectors.FILTER_THREADS_BUTTON); // Set the filters await page.evaluate( /* istanbul ignore next */ (selector) => document.querySelector(selector).removeAttribute('checked'), constSelectors.UNREAD_THREAD_CHECKBOX); // Also read the threads already read await page.click(constSelectors.ONLY_GAMES_THREAD_OPTION); // Filter the threads await page.click(constSelectors.FILTER_THREADS_BUTTON); await page.waitForSelector(constSelectors.WATCHED_THREAD_URLS); // Get the threads urls let urls = []; let nextPageExists = false; do { // Get all the URLs for (let handle of await page.$$(constSelectors.WATCHED_THREAD_URLS)) { let src = await page.evaluate( /* istanbul ignore next */ (element) => element.href, handle); // If 'unread' is left, it will redirect to the last unread post let url = new URL(src.replace('/unread', '')); urls.push(url); } nextPageExists = await page.evaluate( /* istanbul ignore next */ (selector) => document.querySelector(selector), constSelectors.WATCHED_THREAD_NEXT_PAGE); // Click to next page if (nextPageExists) { await page.click(constSelectors.WATCHED_THREAD_NEXT_PAGE); await page.waitForSelector(constSelectors.WATCHED_THREAD_URLS); } } while (nextPageExists); await page.close(); return urls; } //#endregion User //#region Game search /** * @private * Search the F95Zone portal to find possible conversations regarding the game you are looking for. * @param {puppeteer.Browser} browser Browser object used for navigation * @param {String} gamename Name of the game to search for * @returns {Promise} List of URL of possible games obtained from the preliminary research on the F95 portal */ async function getSearchGameResults(browser, gamename) { if (shared.debug) console.log('Searching ' + gamename + ' on F95Zone'); let page = await preparePage(browser); // Set new isolated page await page.setCookie(...shared.cookies); // Set cookies to avoid login await page.goto(constURLs.F95_SEARCH_URL, { waitUntil: shared.WAIT_STATEMENT }); // Go to the search form and wait for it // Explicitly wait for the required items to load await page.waitForSelector(constSelectors.SEARCH_FORM_TEXTBOX); await page.waitForSelector(constSelectors.TITLE_ONLY_CHECKBOX); await page.waitForSelector(constSelectors.SEARCH_BUTTON); await page.type(constSelectors.SEARCH_FORM_TEXTBOX, gamename) // Type the game we desire await page.click(constSelectors.TITLE_ONLY_CHECKBOX) // Select only the thread with the game in the titles await page.click(constSelectors.SEARCH_BUTTON); // Execute search await page.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: shared.WAIT_STATEMENT }); // Wait for page to load // Select all conversation titles let threadTitleList = await page.$$(constSelectors.THREAD_TITLE); // For each title extract the info about the conversation if (shared.debug) console.log('Extracting info from conversation titles'); let results = []; for (let title of threadTitleList) { let gameUrl = await getOnlyGameThreads(page, title); // Append the game's informations if (gameUrl !== null) results.push(gameUrl); } if (shared.debug) console.log('Find ' + results.length + ' conversations'); await page.close(); // Close the page return results; } /** * @private * Return the link of a conversation if it is a game or a mod * @param {puppeteer.Page} page Page containing the conversation to be analyzed * @param {puppeteer.ElementHandle} titleHandle Title of the conversation to be analyzed * @return {Promise} URL of the game/mod */ async function getOnlyGameThreads(page, titleHandle) { const GAME_RECOMMENDATION_PREFIX = 'RECOMMENDATION'; // Get the URL of the thread from the title let relativeURLThread = await page.evaluate( /* istanbul ignore next */ (element) => element.querySelector('a').href, titleHandle); let url = new URL(relativeURLThread, constURLs.F95_BASE_URL); // Parse prefixes to ignore game recommendation for (let element of await titleHandle.$$('span[dir="auto"]')) { // Elaborate the prefixes let prefix = await page.evaluate( /* istanbul ignore next */ element => element.textContent.toUpperCase(), element); prefix = prefix.replace('[', '').replace(']', ''); // This is not a game nor a mod, we can exit if (prefix === GAME_RECOMMENDATION_PREFIX) return null; } return url; } //#endregion Game search //#endregion Private methods