import PlatformUser from "./platform-user.js"; import { IPostElement } from "../../scrape-data/post-parse.js"; /** * Represents a post published by a user on the F95Zone platform. */ export default class Post { private _id; private _number; private _published; private _lastEdit; private _owner; private _bookmarked; private _message; private _body; /** * Represents a post published by a user on the F95Zone platform. */ get id(): number; /** * Unique ID of the post within the thread in which it is present. */ get number(): number; /** * Date the post was first published. */ get published(): Date; /** * Date the post was last modified. */ get lastEdit(): Date; /** * User who owns the post. */ get owner(): PlatformUser; /** * Indicates whether the post has been bookmarked. */ get bookmarked(): boolean; /** * Post message text. */ get message(): string; /** * Set of the elements that make up the body of the post. */ get body(): IPostElement[]; constructor(id: number); /** * Gets the post data starting from its unique ID for the entire platform. */ fetch(): Promise<void>; private parsePost; }