Moved test scripts

MillenniumEarl 2021-02-27 13:34:12 +01:00
parent 138a112e96
commit c31c54aa94
9 changed files with 0 additions and 605 deletions

View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
"use strict";
// Test suite
const api = require("./suites/api-test.js").suite;
const credentials = require("./suites/credentials-test.js").suite;
const network = require("./suites/network-helper-test.js").suite;
const platform = require("./suites/platform-data-test.js").suite;
const scraper = require("./suites/scraper-test.js").suite;
const searcher = require("./suites/searcher-test.js").suite;
const uScraper = require("./suites/user-scraper-test.js").suite;
const prefixParser = require("./suites/prefix-parser-test.js").suite;
describe("Test basic function", function testBasic() {
//#region Set-up
this.timeout(30000); // All tests in this suite get 30 seconds before timeout
//#endregion Set-up
describe("Test credentials class", credentials.bind(this));
describe("Test network helper", network.bind(this));
describe("Test prefix parser", prefixParser.bind(this));
describe("Test F95 modules", function testF95Modules() {
//#region Set-up
this.timeout(15000); // All tests in this suite get 15 seconds before timeout
//#endregion Set-up
describe("Test platform data fetch", platform.bind(this));
describe("Test scraper methods", scraper.bind(this));
describe("Test searcher methods", searcher.bind(this));
describe("Test user scraper methods", uScraper.bind(this));
describe("Test complete API", function testAPI() {
//#region Set-up
this.timeout(15000); // All tests in this suite get 15 seconds before timeout
//#endregion Set-up
describe("Test API", api.bind(this));

View File

@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
"use strict";
// Public module from npm
const expect = require("chai").expect;
const dotenv = require("dotenv");
const {
} = require("lodash");
// Modules from file
const F95API = require("../../app/index.js");
// Configure the .env reader
// Global variables
const USERNAME = process.env.F95_USERNAME;
const PASSWORD = process.env.F95_PASSWORD;
module.exports.suite = function suite() {
// Global suite variables
const gameURL = "";
const updatedGameURL = "";
it("Test login", async function testLogin() {
const result = await F95API.login(USERNAME, PASSWORD);
it("Test user data fetching", async function testUserDataFetch() {
const userdata = await F95API.getUserData();
it("Test game for existing update", async function checkUpdateByURL() {
// We force the creation of a GameInfo object,
// knowing that the checkIfGameHasUpdate() function
// only needs the game URL
const info = new F95API.GameInfo();
// The gameURL identifies a game for which we know there is an update
info.url = gameURL;
// Check for updates
const update = await F95API.checkIfGameHasUpdate(info);
it("Test game for non existing update", async function checkUpdateByVersion() {
// We force the creation of a GameInfo object,
// knowing that the checkIfGameHasUpdate() function
// only needs the game URL
const info = new F95API.GameInfo();
// The updatedGameURL identifies a game for which
// we know there is **not** an update
info.url = updatedGameURL;
info.version = "1.2.4"; // The hame is marked as "Completed" so it shouldn't change it's version
// Check for updates
const update = await F95API.checkIfGameHasUpdate(info);
it("Test game for fake update", async function checkFakeUpdateByVersion() {
// We force the creation of a GameInfo object,
// knowing that the checkIfGameHasUpdate() function
// only needs the game URL
const info = new F95API.GameInfo();
// The updatedGameURL identifies a game for which
// we know there is **not** an update
info.url = updatedGameURL;
info.version = "ThisIsAFakeVersion"; // The real version is "1.2.4"
// Check for updates
const update = await F95API.checkIfGameHasUpdate(info);
it("Test game data fetching", async function testGameDataFetch() {
// Search a game by name
const gameList = await F95API.getGameData("perverted education", false);
// We know that there is only one game with the selected name
expect(gameList.length), `There should be only one game, not ${gameList.length}`);
const game = gameList[0];
// Than we fetch a game from URL
const gameFromURL = await F95API.getGameDataFromURL(game.url);
// The two games must be equal
const equal = isEqual(game, gameFromURL);
it("Test latest games fetching", async function testLatestFetch() {
// Prepare a search query
const query = {
datelimit: 0,
tags: ["male protagonist", "3dcg"],
prefixes: ["Completed", "Unity"],
sorting: "views",
// First test the parameters validation
// assert.throws(() => { F95API.getLatestUpdates(query, 0); },
// Error,
// "Error thrown if limit is <= 0");
// Now we fetch certain games that are "stables" as per 2020
const LIMIT = 3;
const result = await F95API.getLatestUpdates(query, LIMIT);
expect(result[0].id), "The game should be: 'Man of the house'");
expect(result[1].id), "The game should be: 'Lucky mark'");
expect(result[2].id), "The game should be: 'Timestamps, Unconditional Love'");

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
"use strict";
// Public module from npm
const expect = require("chai").expect;
// Modules from file
const Credentials = require("../../app/scripts/classes/credentials.js");
module.exports.suite = function suite() {
it("Check token formatting", async function testValidToken() {
// Token example:
// 1604309951,0338213c00fcbd894fd9415e6ba08403
// 1604309986,ebdb75502337699381f0f55c86353555
// 1604310008,2d50d55808e5ec3a157ec01953da9d26
// Fetch token (is a GET request, we don't need the credentials)
const cred = new Credentials(null, null);
await cred.fetchToken();
// Parse token for assert
const splitted = cred.token.split(",");
const unique = splitted[0];
const hash = splitted[1];
expect(splitted.length), "The token consists of two parts");
// Check type of parts
// The second part is most probably the MD5 hash of something
expect(hash.length), "Hash should have 32 hex chars");
//#region Private methods
* @private
* Check if a string is a number
* @param {String} str
* @author Dan, Ben Aston
* @see
function isNumeric(str) {
// We only process strings!
if (typeof str != "string") return false;
// Use type coercion to parse the _entirety_ of the string
// (`parseFloat` alone does not do this) and ensure strings
// of whitespace fail
return !isNaN(str) && !isNaN(parseFloat(str));

View File

@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
"use strict";
// Public module from npm
const expect = require("chai").expect;
const dotenv = require("dotenv");
// Modules from file
const Credentials = require("../../app/scripts/classes/credentials.js");
const networkHelper = require("../../app/scripts/network-helper.js");
const {
} = require("../../app/scripts/constants/url.js");
// Configure the .env reader
// Global variables
const USERNAME = process.env.F95_USERNAME;
const PASSWORD = process.env.F95_PASSWORD;
const FAKE_USERNAME = "Fake_Username091276";
const FAKE_PASSWORD = "fake_password";
module.exports.suite = function suite() {
// Global suite variables
const gameURL = "";
it("Check if URL exists", async function checkURLExistence() {
// Check generic URLs...
let exists = await networkHelper.urlExists("");
expect(exists, "Complete valid URL");
exists = await networkHelper.urlExists("");
expect(exists, "URl without protocol prefix");
exists = await networkHelper.urlExists("");
expect(exists, "URL without third level domain");
// Now check for more specific URLs (with redirect)...
exists = await networkHelper.urlExists(gameURL);
expect(exists, "URL with redirect without check");
exists = await networkHelper.urlExists(gameURL, true);
expect(exists, "URL with redirect with check");
it("Check if URL belong to the platform", function checkIfURLIsF95() {
let belong = networkHelper.isF95URL(gameURL);
belong = networkHelper.isF95URL("");
it("Enforce secure URLs", function testSecureURLEnforcement() {
// This URL is already secure, should remain the same
let enforced = networkHelper.enforceHttpsUrl(gameURL);
expect(enforced), "The game URL is already secure");
// This URL is not secure
enforced = networkHelper.enforceHttpsUrl("");
expect(enforced)"", "The URL was without SSL/TLS (HTTPs)");
// Finally, we check when we pass a invalid URL
enforced = networkHelper.enforceHttpsUrl("http://invalidurl");
it("Check URL redirect", async function checkURLRedirect() {
// gameURL is an old URL it has been verified that it generates a redirect
const redirectURL = await networkHelper.getUrlRedirect(gameURL);
expect(redirectURL), "The original URL has redirect");
// If we recheck the new URL, we find that no redirect happens
const secondRedirectURL = await networkHelper.getUrlRedirect(redirectURL);
expect(secondRedirectURL), "The URL has no redirect");
it("Check response to GET request", async function testGETResponse() {
// We should be able to fetch a game page
let response = await networkHelper.fetchGETResponse(gameURL);
expect(response.status), "The operation must be successful");
// We should NOT be able to fetch the search page (we must be logged)
response = await networkHelper.fetchGETResponse(F95_SEARCH_URL);
it("Test for authentication to platform", async function testAuthentication() {
// Try to authenticate with valid credentials
const creds = new Credentials(USERNAME, PASSWORD);
await creds.fetchToken();
const validResult = await networkHelper.authenticate(creds);
// Now we use fake credentials
const fakeCreds = new Credentials(FAKE_USERNAME, FAKE_PASSWORD);
await fakeCreds.fetchToken();
const invalidResult = await networkHelper.authenticate(fakeCreds, true);
it("Test fetching HTML", async function testFetchHTML() {
// This should return the HTML code of the page
const html = await networkHelper.fetchHTML(gameURL);
expect(html.startsWith("<!DOCTYPE html>"));

View File

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
"use strict";
// Public module from npm
const expect = require("chai").expect;
const dotenv = require("dotenv");
const { isEqual } = require("lodash");
// Core modules
const fs = require("fs");
// Modules from file
const shared = require("../../app/scripts/shared.js");
const platform = require("../../app/scripts/platform-data.js");
const Credentials = require("../../app/scripts/classes/credentials.js");
const { authenticate } = require("../../app/scripts/network-helper.js");
// Configure the .env reader
// Global variables
const USERNAME = process.env.F95_USERNAME;
const PASSWORD = process.env.F95_PASSWORD;
module.exports.suite = function suite() {
//#region Setup
before(async function beforeAll() {
// Authenticate
const creds = new Credentials(USERNAME, PASSWORD);
await creds.fetchToken();
await authenticate(creds);
//#endregion Setup
it("Fetch new platform data", async function fetchNewPlatformData() {
// Delete the current platform data (if exists)
if(fs.existsSync(shared.cachePath)) fs.unlinkSync(shared.cachePath);
// Fetch data
await platform.fetchPlatformData();
// Check data
const enginesEquality = isEqual({}, shared.engines);
const statusEquality = isEqual({}, shared.statuses);
const tagsEquality = isEqual({}, shared.tags);
expect(enginesEquality, "Should not be empty");
expect(statusEquality, "Should not be empty");
expect(tagsEquality, "Should not be empty");
// Check if the file exists
it("Fetch cached platform data", async function fetchCachedPlatformData() {
// Fetch data
await platform.fetchPlatformData();
// Check data
const enginesEquality = isEqual({}, shared.engines);
const statusEquality = isEqual({}, shared.statuses);
const tagsEquality = isEqual({}, shared.tags);
expect(enginesEquality, "Should not be empty");
expect(statusEquality, "Should not be empty");
expect(tagsEquality, "Should not be empty");

View File

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
"use strict";
// Public module from npm
const expect = require("chai").expect;
const dotenv = require("dotenv");
const { isEqual } = require("lodash");
// Modules from file
const Credentials = require("../../app/scripts/classes/credentials.js");
const PrefixParser = require("../../app/scripts/classes/prefix-parser.js");
const { authenticate } = require("../../app/scripts/network-helper.js");
const { fetchPlatformData } = require("../../app/scripts/platform-data.js");
// Configure the .env reader
// Global variables
const USERNAME = process.env.F95_USERNAME;
const PASSWORD = process.env.F95_PASSWORD;
module.exports.suite = function suite() {
//#region Setup
before(async function beforeAll() {
// Authenticate
const creds = new Credentials(USERNAME, PASSWORD);
await creds.fetchToken();
await authenticate(creds);
await fetchPlatformData();
//#endregion Setup
it("Parse prefixes", async function testPrefixParser() {
// Create a new parser
const parser = new PrefixParser();
const testPrefixes = ["corruption", "pregnancy", "slave", "VN", "RPGM", "Ren'Py", "Abandoned"];
const ids = parser.prefixesToIDs(testPrefixes);
const tags = parser.idsToPrefixes(ids);
const tagsEquality = isEqual(testPrefixes, tags);
expect(tagsEquality, "The tags must be the same");
const idsEquality = isEqual([103, 225, 44, 13, 2, 7, 22], ids);
expect(idsEquality, "The IDs must be the same");

View File

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
"use strict";
// Public module from npm
const expect = require("chai").expect;
const { isEqual } = require("lodash");
const GameInfo = require("../../app/scripts/classes/game-info.js");
// Modules from file
const scraper = require("../../app/scripts/scraper.js");
module.exports.suite = function suite() {
// Global suite variables
const gameURL = "";
const modURL = "";
const previewSrc = "";
const modPreviewSrc = "";
it("Search game", async function () {
// This test depend on the data on F95Zone at gameURL
const result = await scraper.getGameInfo(gameURL);
// Test only the main information
expect("Kingdom of Deception");
expect("Hreinn Games");
expect(result.isMod, "Should be false");
expect(result.previewSrc).to.equal(previewSrc, "Preview not equals");
it("Search mod", async function () {
// This test depend on the data on F95Zone at modURL
const result = await scraper.getGameInfo(modURL);
// Test only the main information
expect("Witch Trainer: Silver Mod");
expect("Silver Studio Games");
expect(result.isMod, "Should be true");
expect(result.previewSrc).to.equal(modPreviewSrc, "Preview not equals");
it("Test game serialization", async function testGameSerialization() {
// This test depend on the data on F95Zone at gameURL
const testGame = await scraper.getGameInfo(gameURL);
// Serialize...
const json = JSON.stringify(testGame);
// Deserialize...
const parsedGameInfo = GameInfo.fromJSON(json);
// Compare with lodash
const result = isEqual(parsedGameInfo, testGame);

View File

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
"use strict";
// Public module from npm
const expect = require("chai").expect;
const dotenv = require("dotenv");
// Modules from file
const Credentials = require("../../app/scripts/classes/credentials.js");
const searcher = require("../../app/scripts/searcher.js");
const { authenticate } = require("../../app/scripts/network-helper.js");
const { fetchPlatformData } = require("../../app/scripts/platform-data.js");
// Configure the .env reader
// Global variables
const USERNAME = process.env.F95_USERNAME;
const PASSWORD = process.env.F95_PASSWORD;
module.exports.suite = function suite() {
// TODO:
// This method should delete the store F95Zone cookies,
// but what if the other tests require them?
// it("Search game when not logged", async function searchGameWhenNotLogged() {
// // Search for a game that we know has only one result
// // but without logging in first
// const urls = await searcher.searchGame("kingdom of deception");
// expect(urls.lenght), "There should not be any URL");
// });
it("Search game", async function searchGame() {
// Authenticate
const result = await auth();
expect(result.success, "Authentication should be successful");
// Search for a game that we know has only one result
const urls = await searcher.searchGame("kingdom of deception");
expect(urls.length), `There should be only one game result instead of ${urls.length}`);
it("Search mod", async function searchMod() {
// Authenticate
const result = await auth();
expect(result.success, "Authentication should be successful");
// Search for a mod that we know has only one result
const urls = await searcher.searchMod("kingdom of deception jdmod");
expect(urls.length), `There should be only one mod result instead of ${urls.length}`);
//#region Private methods
* @private
* Simple wrapper for authentication.
async function auth() {
const creds = new Credentials(USERNAME, PASSWORD);
await creds.fetchToken();
const result = await authenticate(creds);
if (result.success) await fetchPlatformData();
return result;
//#endregion Private methods

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
"use strict";
// Public module from npm
const expect = require("chai").expect;
const dotenv = require("dotenv");
// Modules from file
const Credentials = require("../../app/scripts/classes/credentials.js");
const uScraper = require("../../app/scripts/user-scraper.js");
const { authenticate } = require("../../app/scripts/network-helper.js");
const { fetchPlatformData } = require("../../app/scripts/platform-data.js");
// Configure the .env reader
// Global variables
const USERNAME = process.env.F95_USERNAME;
const PASSWORD = process.env.F95_PASSWORD;
module.exports.suite = function suite() {
// TODO:
// This method should delete the store F95Zone cookies,
// but what if the other tests require them?
// it("Fetch data when not logged", async function fetchUserDataWhenLogged() {
// const data = await uScraper.getUserData();
// expect(data.username)"");
// expect(data.avatarSrc)"");
// expect(data.watchedThreads.length);
// });
it("Fetch data when logged", async function fetchUserDataWhenNotLogged() {
// Authenticate
const result = await auth();
expect(result.success, "Authentication should be successful");
// We test only for the username, the other test data depends on the user logged
const data = await uScraper.getUserData();
//#region Private methods
* @private
* Simple wrapper for authentication.
async function auth() {
const creds = new Credentials(USERNAME, PASSWORD);
await creds.fetchToken();
const result = await authenticate(creds);
if (result.success) await fetchPlatformData();
return result;
//#endregion Private methods