Addes user data fetching

MillenniumEarl 2020-11-02 00:14:28 +01:00
parent 49712b2337
commit 90100709ba
5 changed files with 109 additions and 103 deletions

View File

@ -2,11 +2,10 @@
// Modules from file
const shared = require("./scripts/shared.js");
const f95url = require("./scripts/constants/url.js");
const f95selector = require("./scripts/constants/css-selector.js");
const networkHelper = require("./scripts/network-helper.js");
const scraper = require("./scripts/scraper.js");
const searcher = require("./scripts/searcher.js");
const uScraper = require("./scripts/user-scraper.js");
// Classes from file
const Credentials = require("./scripts/classes/credentials.js");
@ -163,95 +162,6 @@ module.exports.getUserData = async function () {
return null;
const threads = await getUserWatchedGameThreads(null);
const username = await page.evaluate(
/* istanbul ignore next */ (selector) =>
const avatarSrc = await page.evaluate(
/* istanbul ignore next */ (selector) =>
const ud = new UserData();
ud.username = username;
ud.avatarSrc = networkHelper.isStringAValidURL(avatarSrc) ? avatarSrc : null;
ud.watchedThreads = threads;
return ud;
return await uScraper.getUserData();
//#region Private methods
//#region User
* @private
* Gets the list of URLs of threads the user follows.
* @param {puppeteer.Browser} browser Browser object used for navigation
* @returns {Promise<String[]>} URL list
async function getUserWatchedGameThreads() {
const page = null;
await page.goto(f95url.F95_WATCHED_THREADS); // Go to the thread page
// Explicitly wait for the required items to load
await page.waitForSelector(f95selector.WATCHED_THREAD_FILTER_POPUP_BUTTON);
// Show the popup
await Promise.all([,
// Set the filters
await page.evaluate(
/* istanbul ignore next */ (selector) =>
); // Also read the threads already read
// Filter the threads
await page.waitForSelector(f95selector.WATCHED_THREAD_URLS);
// Get the threads urls
const urls = [];
let nextPageExists = false;
do {
// Get all the URLs
for (const handle of await page.$$(f95selector.WATCHED_THREAD_URLS)) {
const src = await page.evaluate(
/* istanbul ignore next */ (element) => element.href,
// If 'unread' is left, it will redirect to the last unread post
const url = src.replace("/unread", "");
nextPageExists = await page.evaluate(
/* istanbul ignore next */ (selector) => document.querySelector(selector),
// Click to next page
if (nextPageExists) {
await page.waitForSelector(f95selector.WATCHED_THREAD_URLS);
} while (nextPageExists);
await page.close();
return urls;
//#endregion User
//#endregion Private methods

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module.exports = Object.freeze({
BD_ENGINE_ID_SELECTOR: "div[id^=\"btn-prefix_1_\"]>span",
BD_STATUS_ID_SELECTOR: "div[id^=\"btn-prefix_4_\"]>span",
GT_IMAGES: "img:not([title])[data-src^=\"\"][data-url=\"\"]",
GT_TAGS: "a.tagItem",
GT_TITLE: "h1.p-title-value",
@ -16,13 +17,7 @@ module.exports = Object.freeze({
GS_RESULT_BODY: "div.contentRow-main",
GS_MEMBERSHIP: "li > a:not(.username)",
GET_REQUEST_TOKEN: "input[name=\"_xfToken\"]",
LOGIN_BUTTON: "button.button--icon--login",
UD_USERNAME_ELEMENT: "a[href=\"/account/\"] > span.p-navgroup-linkText",
UD_AVATAR_PIC: "a[href=\"/account/\"] > span.avatar > img[class^=\"avatar\"]",
LOGIN_MESSAGE_ERROR: "div.blockMessage.blockMessage--error.blockMessage--iconic",
PASSWORD_INPUT: "input[name=\"password\"]",
USERNAME_ELEMENT: "a[href=\"/account/\"] > span.p-navgroup-linkText",
USERNAME_INPUT: "input[name=\"login\"]",
AVATAR_INFO: "span.avatar",
AVATAR_PIC: "a[href=\"/account/\"] > span.avatar > img[class^=\"avatar\"]",
FILTER_THREADS_BUTTON: "button[class=\"button--primary button\"]",

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// Public modules from npm
const axios = require("axios").default;
const _ = require("lodash");
const { isString } = require("lodash");
const ky = require("ky-universal").create({
throwHttpErrors: false,
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ module.exports.fetchGETResponse = async function(url) {
* @returns {String}
module.exports.enforceHttpsUrl = function (url) {
return _.isString(url) ? url.replace(/^(https?:)?\/\//, "https://") : null;
return isString(url) ? url.replace(/^(https?:)?\/\//, "https://") : null;

View File

@ -1 +1,97 @@
"use strict";
"use strict";
// Public modules from npm
const cheerio = require("cheerio");
// Modules from file
const networkHelper = require("./network-helper.js");
const f95Selector = require("./constants/css-selector.js");
const f95url = require("./constants/url.js");
const UserData = require("./classes/user-data.js");
module.exports.getUserData = async function() {
// Fetch data
const data = await fetchUsernameAndAvatar();
const urls = await fetchWatchedThreadURLs();
// Create object
const ud = new UserData();
ud.username = data.username;
ud.avatarSrc = data.source;
ud.watchedThreads = urls;
return ud;
//#region Private methods
async function fetchUsernameAndAvatar() {
// Fetch page
const html = await networkHelper.fetchHTML(f95url.F95_BASE_URL);
// Load HTML response
const $ = cheerio.load(html);
const body = $("body");
// Fetch username
const username = body.find(f95Selector.UD_USERNAME_ELEMENT).first().text().trim();
// Fetch user avatar image source
const source = body.find(f95Selector.UD_AVATAR_PIC).first().attr("src");
return {
async function fetchWatchedThreadURLs() {
// Local variables
let currentURL = f95url.F95_WATCHED_THREADS;
const wathcedThreadURLs = [];
do {
// Fetch page
const html = await networkHelper.fetchHTML(currentURL);
// Load HTML response
const $ = cheerio.load(html);
const body = $("body");
// Find the URLs
const urls = fetchPageURLs(body);
// Find the next page (if any)
currentURL = fetchNextPageURL(body);
while (currentURL);
return wathcedThreadURLs;
function fetchPageURLs(body) {
const elements = body.find(f95Selector.WT_URLS);
return extractURLs(idx, e) {
// Obtain the link (replace "unread" only for the unread threads)
const partialLink = e.attribs.href.replace("unread", "");
// Compose and return the URL
return new URL(partialLink, f95url.F95_BASE_URL).toString();
* @param {cheerio.Cheerio} body
function fetchNextPageURL(body) {
const element = body.find(f95Selector.WT_NEXT_PAGE).first();
// No element found
if(element.length === 0) return null;
// Compose and return the URL
return new URL(element.attr("href"), f95url.F95_BASE_URL).toString();
//#endregion Private methods

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ const searcher = require("../app/scripts/searcher.js");
const scraper = require("../app/scripts/scraper.js");
const Credentials = require("../app/scripts/classes/credentials.js");
const networkHelper = require("../app/scripts/network-helper.js");
const uScraper = require("../app/scripts/user-scraper.js");
// Configure the .env reader
@ -16,6 +17,10 @@ dotenv.config();
auth().then(async function searchGames(result) {
if(!result) return;
console.log("Fetching user data...");
const userdata = await uScraper.getUserData();
console.log(`${userdata.username} follows ${userdata.watchedThreads.length} threads`);
// Search for Kingdom Of Deception data
await search("kingdom of deception");