Add thread class mapping

MillenniumEarl 2021-03-02 11:47:41 +01:00
parent 33cfc3a0a6
commit 36f6075e32
1 changed files with 227 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
"use strict";
// Public modules from npm
import cheerio from "cheerio";
// Modules from files
import Post from "./post";
import PlatformUser from "./platform-user";
import { TRating } from "../interfaces";
import { urls } from "../constants/url";
import { THREAD } from "../constants/css-selector";
import { fetchHTML, fetchPOSTResponse } from "../network-helper";
import Shared from "../shared";
import { GenericAxiosError, UnexpectedResponseContentType } from "./errors";
import { Result } from "./result";
import { getJSONLD, TJsonLD } from "../scrape-data/json-ld";
* Represents a generic F95Zone platform thread.
export default class Thread {
//#region Fields
private _id: number;
private _url: string;
private _title: string;
private _tags: string[];
private _prefixes: string[];
private _posts: Post[];
private _rating: TRating;
private _owner: PlatformUser;
private _creation: Date;
//#endregion Fields
//#region Getters
* Unique ID of the thread on the platform.
public get id() { return this._id; }
* URL of the thread.
* It may vary depending on any versions of the contained product.
public get url() { return this._url; }
* Thread title.
public get title() { return this._title; };
* Tags associated with the thread.
public get tags() { return this._tags; }
* Prefixes associated with the thread
public get prefixes() { return this._prefixes; }
* List of posts belonging to the thread.
public get posts() { return this._posts; }
* Rating assigned to the thread.
public get rating() { return this._rating; }
* Owner of the thread.
public get owner() { return this._owner; }
* Creation date of the thread.
public get creation() { return this._creation; }
//#endregion Getters
* Initializes an object for mapping a thread.
* The unique ID of the thread must be specified.
constructor(id: number) { this._id = id; }
//#region Private methods
* Set the number of posts to display for the current thread.
private async setMaximumPostsForPage(n: 20 | 40 | 60 | 100): Promise<void> {
// Prepare the parameters to send via POST request
const params = {
"_xfResponseType": "json",
"_xfRequestUri": `/account/dpp-update?content_type=thread&content_id=${}`,
"_xfToken": Shared.session.token,
"_xfWithData": "1",
"content_type": "thread",
"dpp_custom_config[posts]": n.toString(),
// Send POST request
const response = await fetchPOSTResponse(urls.F95_POSTS_NUMBER, params);
if (response.isFailure()) throw response.value;
* Gets all posts on a page.
private async parsePostsInPage(html: string): Promise<Post[]> {
// Load the HTML
const $ = cheerio.load(html);
// Start parsing the posts
const postPromises = $(THREAD.POSTS_IN_PAGE)
.map(async (idx, el) => {
// Parse post data
const p = new Post();
await p.fetchData($(el));
return p;
// Wait for the post to be fetched
return await Promise.all(postPromises);
* Gets all posts in the thread.
private async fetchPosts(pages: number): Promise<Post[]> {
// Local variables
type TFetchResult = Promise<Result<GenericAxiosError | UnexpectedResponseContentType, string>>;
const htmlPromiseList: TFetchResult[] = [];
const fetchedPosts: Post[] = [];
// Set the maximum number of post to 100
await this.setMaximumPostsForPage(100);
// Fetch posts for every page in the thread
for (let i = 1; i <= pages; i++) {
// Prepare the URL
const url = new URL(`page-${i}`, urls.F95_BASE_URL).toString();
// Fetch the HTML source
const htmlResponse = fetchHTML(url);
// Wait for all the pages to load
const responses = await Promise.all(htmlPromiseList);
// Scrape the pages
for (const response of responses) {
if (response.isSuccess()) {
// Parse the posts
const posts = await this.parsePostsInPage(response.value);
} else throw response.value;
// Sorts the list of posts
return fetchedPosts.sort((a, b) => ( > ? 1 : (( > ? -1 : 0));
* It processes the rating of the thread
* starting from the data contained in the JSON+LD tag.
private parseRating(data: TJsonLD): TRating {
const ratingTree = data["aggregateRating"] as TJsonLD;
const rating: TRating = {
average: parseFloat(ratingTree["ratingValue"] as string),
best: parseInt(ratingTree["bestRating"] as string),
count: parseInt(ratingTree["ratingCount"] as string),
return rating;
//#endregion Private methods
//#region Public methods
* Gets information about this thread.
public async fetch() {
// Prepare the url
this._url = new URL(, urls.F95_BASE_URL).toString();
// Fetch the HTML source
const htmlResponse = await fetchHTML(this.url);
if (htmlResponse.isSuccess()) {
// Load the HTML
const $ = cheerio.load(htmlResponse.value);
// Fetch data from selectors
const creationDatetime = $(THREAD.CREATION).attr("datetime");
const ownerID = $(THREAD.OWNER_ID).attr("data-user-id");
const tagArray = $(THREAD.TAGS).toArray();
const prefixArray = $(THREAD.PREFIXES).toArray();
const JSONLD = getJSONLD($("body"));
// Parse the thread's data
this._title = $(THREAD.TITLE).text();
this._creation = new Date(creationDatetime);
this._tags = => $(el).text().trim());
this._prefixes = => $(el).text().trim());
this._owner = new PlatformUser(parseInt(ownerID));
this._rating = this.parseRating(JSONLD);
// Parse all the posts
const pages = parseInt($(THREAD.LAST_PAGE).first().text());
this._posts = await this.fetchPosts(pages);
} else throw htmlResponse.value;
//#endregion Public methods