Updated API
Reworked what data are needed to scrape a game, now the API support the scraping of the user data, especially the watched games threadspull/4/head
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const UserData = require('./scripts/user-data').UserData;
const LoginResult = require('./scripts/login-result').LoginResult;
const GameInfo = require('./scripts/game-info').GameInfo;
const GameDownload = require('./scripts/game-download').GameDownload;
@ -12,7 +13,8 @@ const urlExist = require('url-exist');
const F95_BASE_URL = 'https://f95zone.to';
const F95_SEARCH_URL = 'https://f95zone.to/search';
const F95_LATEST_UPDATES = 'https://f95zone.to/latest';
const F95_LOGIN_URL = 'https://f95zone.to/login'
const F95_LOGIN_URL = 'https://f95zone.to/login';
const F95_WATCHED_THREADS = 'https://f95zone.to/watched/threads';
//#region CSS Selectors
@ -30,6 +32,16 @@ const THREAD_POSTS = 'article.message-body:first-child > div.bbWrapper:first-of-
const GAME_TITLE = 'h1.p-title-value';
const GAME_IMAGES = 'img[src^="https://attachments.f95zone.to"]';
const LOGIN_MESSAGE_ERROR = 'div.blockMessage.blockMessage--error.blockMessage--iconic';
const GAME_TAGS = 'a.tagItem';
const USERNAME_ELEMENT = 'a[href="/account/"] > span.p-navgroup-linkText';
const AVATAR_PIC = 'a[href="/account/"] > span.avatar > img[class^="avatar"]';
const UNREAD_THREAD_CHECKBOX = 'input[type="checkbox"][name="unread"]';
const ONLY_GAMES_THREAD_OPTION = 'select[name="nodes[]"] > option[value="2"]';
const FILTER_THREADS_BUTTON = 'button[class="button--primary button"]';
const GAME_TITLE_PREFIXES = 'h1.p-title-value > a.labelLink > span[dir="auto"]';
const WATCHED_THREAD_URLS = 'a[href^="/threads/"][data-tp-primary]';
const WATCHED_THREAD_NEXT_PAGE = 'a.pageNav-jump--next';
const WATCHED_THREAD_FILTER_POPUP_BUTTON = 'a.filterBar-menuTrigger';
//#endregion CSS Selectors
//#region Game prefixes
@ -83,16 +95,14 @@ let _debug = false;
* @param {Boolean} value
module.exports.debug = function(value){
module.exports.debug = function (value) {
_debug = value;
module.exports.isLogged = function() {
return _isLogged;
module.exports.isLogged = function () {
return _isLogged;
//#endregion Properties
//#region Export methods
* @public
@ -103,14 +113,14 @@ module.exports.isLogged = function() {
* @returns {Promise<LoginResult>} Result of the operation
module.exports.login = async function (username, password) {
if(_debug) console.log("Already logged in");
if (_isLogged) {
if (_debug) console.log("Already logged in");
let result = new LoginResult();
result.success = true;
result.message = 'Already logged in';
return result;
// If cookies are loaded, use them to authenticate
if (_cookies !== null) {
if (_debug) console.log('Valid session, no need to re-authenticate');
@ -150,7 +160,7 @@ module.exports.loadF95BaseData = async function () {
return false;
if(_debug) console.log('Loading base data...');
if (_debug) console.log('Loading base data...');
// Prepare a new web page
let browser = await prepareBrowser();
@ -169,7 +179,7 @@ module.exports.loadF95BaseData = async function () {
// Obtain statuses (disc/online)
await page.waitForSelector(STATUS_ID_SELECTOR);
_statuses = await loadValuesFromLatestPage(page, STATUSES_SAVE_PATH, STATUS_ID_SELECTOR, 'statuses');
await browser.close();
if (_debug) console.log('Base data loaded');
return true;
@ -199,7 +209,8 @@ module.exports.getGameVersion = async function (info) {
* You **must** be logged in to the portal before calling this method.
* @param {String} name Name of the game searched
* @param {Boolean} includeMods Indicates whether to also take mods into account when searching
* @returns {Promise<GameInfo>} Information about the game searched or null if no game were found
* @returns {Promise<GameInfo[]>} List of information obtained where each item corresponds to
* an identified game (in the case of homonymy). If no games were found, null is returned
module.exports.getGameData = async function (name, includeMods) {
if (!_isLogged) {
@ -209,19 +220,21 @@ module.exports.getGameData = async function (name, includeMods) {
// Gets the search results of the game being searched for
let browser = await prepareBrowser();
let infoList = await getSearchGameResults(browser, name, _cookies);
let urlList = await getSearchGameResults(browser, name, _cookies);
// Process previous partial results
let result = null;
for (let info of infoList) {
let promiseList = [];
for (let url of urlList) {
// Start looking for information
promiseList.push(getGameInfo(browser, url));
// Filter for mods
let result = [];
for (let info of await Promise.all(promiseList)) {
// Skip mods if not required
if (info.isMod && !includeMods) continue;
// What if there are more games with the same name?
// For the moment, return the first
result = await getGameInfo(browser, info);
else result.push(info);
await browser.close();
@ -233,12 +246,12 @@ module.exports.getGameData = async function (name, includeMods) {
* @param {*} platform
* @param {*} url
module.exports.getDownloadLink = async function(platform, url){
module.exports.getDownloadLink = async function (platform, url) {
if (!_isLogged) {
console.warn('user not authenticated, unable to continue');
return null;
// Gets the search results of the game being searched for
let browser = await prepareBrowser();
getGameDownloadLink(browser, url);
@ -246,11 +259,44 @@ module.exports.getDownloadLink = async function(platform, url){
* @public
* Properly closes all instances opened by the API.
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* Gets the data of the currently logged in user.
* @returns {Promise<UserData>} Data of the user currently logged in or null if an error arise
module.exports.close = async function() {
if(_debug) console.log("Closing F95API")
module.exports.getUserData = async function () {
if (!_isLogged) {
console.warn('user not authenticated, unable to continue');
return null;
// Prepare a new web page
let browser = await prepareBrowser();
let page = await preparePage(browser); // Set new isolated page
await page.setCookie(..._cookies); // Set cookies to avoid login
await page.goto(F95_BASE_URL); // Go to base page
// Explicitly wait for the required items to load
await page.waitForSelector(USERNAME_ELEMENT);
await page.waitForSelector(AVATAR_PIC);
let threads = getUserWatchedGameThreads(browser);
let username = await page.evaluate((selector) =>
let avatarSrc = await page.evaluate((selector) =>
let ud = new UserData();
ud.username = username;
ud.avatarSrc = isStringAValidURL(avatarSrc) ? new URL(avatarSrc) : null;
ud.watchedThreads = await threads;
await page.close();
await browser.close();
return ud;
@ -266,7 +312,7 @@ module.exports.close = async function() {
async function prepareBrowser() {
// Create a headless browser
let browser = await puppeteer.launch({
headless: true,
headless: false,
return browser;
@ -424,7 +470,7 @@ function isF95URL(url) {
* @param {String} url String to check for correctness
* @returns {Boolean} true if the string is a valid URL, false otherwise
function isStringAValidURL(url){
function isStringAValidURL(url) {
try {
new URL(url);
return true;
@ -479,25 +525,68 @@ async function loginF95(browser, username, password) {
if (errorMessage === 'Incorrect password. Please try again.') result.message = 'Incorrect password';
else if (errorMessage === "The requested user '" + username + "' could not be found.") result.message = 'Incorrect username';
else result.message = errorMessage;
else result.message = "Unknown error";
} else result.message = "Unknown error";
await page.close(); // Close the page
return result;
* @deprecated
* @private
* Gets the list of URLs of threads the user follows.
* @param {puppeteer.Browser} browser Browser object used for navigation
* @returns {Promise<URL[]>} URL list
async function getUserData(){
async function getUserWatchedGameThreads(browser) {
let page = await preparePage(browser); // Set new isolated page
await page.goto(F95_WATCHED_THREADS); // Go to the thread page
// Explicitly wait for the required items to load
* @deprecated
async function getUserWatchedGameThreads(){
// Show the popup
await page.waitForSelector(UNREAD_THREAD_CHECKBOX);
await page.waitForSelector(ONLY_GAMES_THREAD_OPTION);
await page.waitForSelector(FILTER_THREADS_BUTTON);
// Set the filters
await page.evaluate((selector) =>
UNREAD_THREAD_CHECKBOX); // Also read the threads already read
await page.click(ONLY_GAMES_THREAD_OPTION);
// Filter the threads
await page.click(FILTER_THREADS_BUTTON);
await page.waitForSelector(WATCHED_THREAD_URLS);
// Get the threads urls
let urls = [];
let nextPageExists = false;
do {
// Get all the URLs
for (let handle of await page.$$(WATCHED_THREAD_URLS)) {
let src = await page.evaluate((element) => element.href, handle);
// If 'unread' is left, it will redirect to the last unread post
let url = new URL(src.replace('/unread', ''));
nextPageExists = await page.evaluate((selector) =>
// Click to next page
if (nextPageExists) {
await page.click(WATCHED_THREAD_NEXT_PAGE);
await page.waitForSelector(WATCHED_THREAD_URLS);
while (nextPageExists);
await page.close();
return urls;
//#endregion User
@ -506,33 +595,42 @@ async function getUserWatchedGameThreads(){
* @private
* Get information from the game's main page.
* @param {puppeteer.Browser} browser Browser object used for navigation
* @param {GameInfo} info Partial game information
* @param {URL} url URL of the game/mod to extract data from
* @return {Promise<GameInfo>} Complete information about the game you are looking for
async function getGameInfo(browser, info) {
if(_debug) console.log('Obtaining game info');
async function getGameInfo(browser, url) {
if (_debug) console.log('Obtaining game info');
// Verify the correctness of the URL
if (!isF95URL(info.f95url)) throw info.f95url + ' is not a valid F95Zone URL';
let exists = await urlExist(info.f95url.toString());
if (!isF95URL(url)) throw url + ' is not a valid F95Zone URL';
let exists = await urlExist(url.toString());
if (!exists) return new GameInfo();
let page = await preparePage(browser); // Set new isolated page
await page.setCookie(..._cookies); // Set cookies to avoid login
await page.goto(info.f95url.toString(), {
await page.goto(url.toString(), {
}); // Go to the game page and wait until it loads
// Object to fill with information
let info = new GameInfo();
// Get the game/mod name (without square brackets)
let title = getGameTitle(page);
// Get the game/mod author (without square brackets)
let author = getGameAuthor(page);
// Get the game tags
let tags = getGameTags(page);
// Get the game title image (the first is what we are searching)
let previewSource = await getGamePreviewSource(page);
if (previewSource === null) console.warn('Cannot find game preview image for ' + await title);
// Parse the prefixes
info = await parsePrefixes(page, info); // Fill status/engines/isMod
// Gets the first post, where are listed all the game's informations
let post = (await page.$$(THREAD_POSTS))[0];
@ -553,12 +651,14 @@ async function getGameInfo(browser, info) {
info.name = await title;
info.author = await author;
info.overview = overview;
info.tags = await tags;
info.f95url = url;
info.version = info.isMod ? parsedInfos['MOD VERSION'] : parsedInfos['VERSION'];
info.lastUpdate = info.isMod ? parsedInfos['UPDATED'] : parsedInfos['THREAD UPDATED'];
info.previewSource = previewSource;
await page.close(); // Close the page
if(_debug) console.log('Founded data for ' + await title);
if (_debug) console.log('Founded data for ' + info.name);
return info;
@ -640,11 +740,55 @@ async function getGameTitle(page) {
const structuredTitle = HTMLParser.parse(titleHTML);
// The last element **shoud be** the title without prefixes (engines, status, other...)
var gameTitle = structuredTitle.childNodes.pop().rawText;
let gameTitle = structuredTitle.childNodes.pop().rawText;
const endTitleIndex = gameTitle.indexOf('[');
return gameTitle.substring(0, endTitleIndex).trim();
* @private
* Get the list of tags associated with the game.
* @param {puppeteer.Page} page Page containing the tags to be extrapolated
* @returns {Promise<String[]>} List of uppercase tags
async function getGameTags(page) {
let tags = [];
// Get the game tags
for (let handle of await page.$$(GAME_TAGS)) {
let tag = await page.evaluate((element) => element.innerText, handle);
return tags;
* @private
* Process the game title prefixes to extract information such as game status,
* graphics engine used, and whether it is a mod or original game.
* @param {puppeteer.Page} page Page containing the prefixes to be extrapolated
* @param {GameInfo} info Object to assign the identified information to
* @returns {Promise<GameInfo>} GameInfo object passed in to which the identified information has been added
async function parsePrefixes(page, info) {
// The 'Ongoing' status is not specified, only 'Abandoned'/'OnHold'/'Complete'
info.status = 'Ongoing';
for (let handle of await page.$$(GAME_TITLE_PREFIXES)) {
let value = await page.evaluate((element) => element.innerText, handle);
// Clean the prefix
let prefix = value.toUpperCase().replace('[', '').replace(']', '').trim();
// Getting infos...
if (_statuses.includes(prefix)) info.status = prefix;
else if (_engines.includes(prefix)) info.engine = prefix;
// This is not a game but a mod
else if (prefix === MOD_PREFIX) info.isMod = true;
return info;
* @deprecated
* @param {puppeteer.Browser} browser
@ -680,7 +824,7 @@ async function getGameDownloadLink(browser, url) {
* Search the F95Zone portal to find possible conversations regarding the game you are looking for.
* @param {puppeteer.Browser} browser Browser object used for navigation
* @param {String} gamename Name of the game to search for
* @returns {Promise<GameInfo[]>} List of information obtained from the preliminary research on the F95 portal
* @returns {Promise<URL[]>} List of URL of possible games obtained from the preliminary research on the F95 portal
async function getSearchGameResults(browser, gamename) {
if (_debug) console.log('Searching ' + gamename + ' on F95Zone');
@ -690,10 +834,12 @@ async function getSearchGameResults(browser, gamename) {
await page.goto(F95_SEARCH_URL, {
}); // Go to the search form and wait for it
// Explicitly wait for the required items to load
await page.waitForSelector(SEARCH_FORM_TEXTBOX);
await page.waitForSelector(TITLE_ONLY_CHECKBOX);
await page.waitForSelector(SEARCH_BUTTON);
await page.type(SEARCH_FORM_TEXTBOX, gamename) // Type the game we desire
await page.click(TITLE_ONLY_CHECKBOX) // Select only the thread with the game in the titles
await Promise.all([
@ -707,13 +853,13 @@ async function getSearchGameResults(browser, gamename) {
let threadTitleList = await page.$$(THREAD_TITLE);
// For each title extract the info about the conversation
if(_debug) console.log('Extracting info from conversation titles');
if (_debug) console.log('Extracting info from conversation titles');
let results = [];
for (const title of threadTitleList) {
var info = await getSearchThreadInfo(page, title);
for (let title of threadTitleList) {
let gameUrl = await getOnlyGameThreads(page, title);
// Append the game's informations
if (info !== null) results.push(info);
if (gameUrl !== null) results.push(gameUrl);
if (_debug) console.log('Find ' + results.length + ' conversations');
await page.close(); // Close the page
@ -723,42 +869,26 @@ async function getSearchGameResults(browser, gamename) {
* @private
* Starting from the title of a conversation on the F95 portal,
* he obtains basic information about the element (in case it is a game)
* Return the link of a conversation if it is a game or a mod
* @param {puppeteer.Page} page Page containing the conversation to be analyzed
* @param {puppeteer.ElementHandle} titleHandle Title of the conversation to be analyzed
* @return {Promise<GameInfo>} Object containing the information obtained from the analysis or null if it is not a game conversation
* @return {Promise<URL>} URL of the game/mod
async function getSearchThreadInfo(page, titleHandle) {
let info = new GameInfo();
async function getOnlyGameThreads(page, titleHandle) {
// Get the URL of the thread from the title
let relativeURLThread = await page.evaluate((element) => element.querySelector('a').href, titleHandle);
info.f95url = new URL(relativeURLThread, F95_BASE_URL);
let url = new URL(relativeURLThread, F95_BASE_URL);
// Select infos like the engine used for the game or it's status
// parsing the title
let elements = await titleHandle.$$('span[dir="auto"]');
// The 'Ongoing' status is not specified, only 'Abandoned'/'OnHold'/'Complete' are
info.status = 'Ongoing';
for (let element of elements) {
// Parse prefixes to ignore game recommendation
for (let element of await titleHandle.$$('span[dir="auto"]')) {
// Elaborate the prefixes
let prefix = await page.evaluate(element => element.textContent.toUpperCase(), element);
prefix = prefix.replace('[', '').replace(']', '');
// This is not a game nor a mod, we can exit
if (prefix === GAME_RECOMMENDATION_PREFIX) return null;
// Getting infos...
else if (_statuses.includes(prefix)) info.status = prefix;
else if (_engines.includes(prefix)) info.engine = prefix;
// This is probably a mod for the game we are searching
else if (prefix === MOD_PREFIX) info.isMod = true;
return info;
return url;
//#endregion Game search
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
const UNKNOWN = 'Unknown';
class GameInfo {
constructor() {
this.UNKNOWN = 'Unknown';
* Game name
* @type String
this.name = this.UNKNOWN;
this.name = UNKNOWN;
* Game author
* @type String
this.author = this.UNKNOWN;
this.author = UNKNOWN;
* URL to the game's official conversation on the F95Zone portal
* @type URL
@ -21,17 +21,22 @@ class GameInfo {
* Game description
* @type String
this.overview = this.UNKNOWN;
this.overview = UNKNOWN;
* List of tags associated with the game
* @type String[]
this.tags = [];
* Graphics engine used for game development
* @type String
this.engine = this.UNKNOWN;
this.engine = UNKNOWN;
* Progress of the game
* @type String
this.status = this.UNKNOWN;
this.status = UNKNOWN;
* Game description image URL
* @type URL
@ -41,17 +46,17 @@ class GameInfo {
* Game version
* @type String
this.version = this.UNKNOWN;
this.version = UNKNOWN;
* Last time the game underwent updates
* @type String
this.lastUpdate = this.UNKNOWN;
this.lastUpdate = UNKNOWN;
* Last time the local copy of the game was run
* @type String
this.lastPlayed = this.UNKNOWN;
this.lastPlayed = UNKNOWN;
* Specifies if the game is original or a mod
* @type Boolean
@ -61,7 +66,7 @@ class GameInfo {
* Directory containing the local copy of the game
* @type String
this.gameDir = this.UNKNOWN;
this.gameDir = UNKNOWN;
@ -1,6 +1,24 @@
* Class containing the data of the user currently connected to the F95Zone platform.
class UserData {
this.username = "";
this.avatarSrc = null;
constructor() {
* User username.
* @type String
this.username = "";
* Path to the user 's profile picture.
* @type URL
this.avatarSrc = null;
* List of followed thread URLs.
* @type URL[]
this.watchedThreads = [];
module.exports.UserData = UserData;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
const { debug, login, close, getGameData, loadF95BaseData } = require("../app/index");
const { debug, login, getGameData, loadF95BaseData, getUserData } = require("../app/index");
@ -7,9 +7,10 @@ async function main() {
let loginResult = await login("MillenniumEarl", "f9vTcRNuvxj4YpK");
if (loginResult.success) {
await loadF95BaseData();
let data = await getGameData("kingdom of deception", false);
// await loadF95BaseData();
// let data = await getGameData("kingdom of deception", false);
// console.log(data.pop());
let data = await getUserData();
await close();
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Reference in New Issue