
248 lines
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2020-10-31 15:00:26 +00:00
"use strict";
// Public modules from npm
const cheerio = require("cheerio");
// Modules from file
const { fetchHTML, getUrlRedirect } = require("./network-helper.js");
const shared = require("./shared.js");
const GameInfo = require("./classes/game-info.js");
const f95Selector = require("./constants/css-selector.js");
* @protected
* Get information from the game's main page.
* @param {String} url URL of the game/mod to extract data from
* @return {Promise<GameInfo>} Complete information about the game you are
* looking for
module.exports.getGameInfo = async function (url) {
shared.logger.info("Obtaining game info");
// Fetch HTML and prepare Cheerio
const html = await fetchHTML(url);
const $ = cheerio.load(html);
const body = $("body");
const mainPost = $(f95Selector.GS_POSTS).first();
// Extract data
const titleData = extractInfoFromTitle(body);
const tags = extractTags(body);
const mainPostData = extractInfoFromMainPost(mainPost);
const structuredData = extractStructuredData(body);
// Obtain the updated URL
const redirectUrl = await getUrlRedirect(url);
// TODO: Check to change
const parsedInfos = parseMainPostText(mainPost.text());
const overview = getOverview(mainPost.text(), info.isMod);
// Fill in the GameInfo element with the information obtained
const info = new GameInfo();
info.name = titleData.name;
info.author = titleData.author;
info.isMod = titleData.mod;
info.engine = titleData.engine;
info.status = titleData.status;
info.tags = tags;
info.url = redirectUrl;
info.overview = overview;
info.lastUpdate = titleData.mod ? parsedInfos.UPDATED : parsedInfos.THREAD_UPDATED;
info.previewSource = mainPostData.previewSource;
info.changelog = mainPostData.changelog;
info.version = titleData.version;
shared.logger.info(`Founded data for ${info.name}`);
return info;
//#region Private methods
* @private
* Extracts all the possible informations from the title, including the prefixes.
* @param {cheerio.Cheerio} body Page `body` selector
* @returns {Object} Dictionary of values
function extractInfoFromTitle(body) {
const title = body
// From the title we can extract: Name, author and version
const matches = title.match(/\[(.*?)\]/g);
2020-10-31 15:00:26 +00:00
const endIndex = title.indexOf("["); // The open bracket of the version
const name = title.substring(0, endIndex).trim();
const version = matches[0].trim();
const author = matches[1].trim();
// Parse the title prefixes
const prefixeElements = body.find(f95Selector.GT_TITLE_PREFIXES);
let mod = false, engine = null, status = null;
prefixeElements.each(function parseGamePrefixes(el) {
const prefix = el.text().trim();
if(isEngine(prefix)) engine = prefix;
else if(isStatus(prefix)) status = prefix;
else if (isMod(prefix)) mod = true;
return {
* @private
* Gets the tags used to classify the game.
* @param {cheerio.Cheerio} body Page `body` selector
* @returns {String[]} List of tags
function extractTags(body) {
// Get the game tags
const tagResults = body.find(f95Selector.GT_TAGS);
return tagResults.map((idx, el) => {
return el.text().trim();
* @private
* Extracts the name of the game, its author and its current version from the title of the page.
* @param {cheerio.Cheerio} mainPost Selector of the main post
* @returns {Object} Dictionary of values
function extractInfoFromMainPost(mainPost) {
// Get the preview image
const previewElement = mainPost.find(f95Selector.GT_IMAGES);
const previewSource = previewElement ? previewElement.first().attr("src") : null;
// Get the latest changelog
const changelogElement = mainPost.find(f95Selector.GT_LAST_CHANGELOG);
const changelog = changelogElement ? changelogElement.text().trim() : null;
return {
* @private
* Process the main post text to get all the useful
* information in the format *DESCRIPTOR : VALUE*.
* @param {String} text Structured text of the post
* @returns {Object} Dictionary of information
function parseMainPostText(text) {
const dataPairs = {};
// The information searched in the game post are one per line
const splittedText = text.split("\n");
for (const line of splittedText) {
if (!line.includes(":")) continue;
// Create pair key/value
const splitted = line.split(":");
const key = splitted[0].trim().toUpperCase().replace(/ /g, "_"); // Uppercase to avoid mismatch
const value = splitted[1].trim();
// Add pair to the dict if valid
if (value !== "") dataPairs[key] = value;
return dataPairs;
* @private
* Extracts and processes the JSON-LD values found at the bottom of the page.
* @param {cheerio.Cheerio} body Page `body` selector
* @returns ???
function extractStructuredData(body) {
const structuredDataElements = body.find("...");
for (const el in structuredDataElements) {
for (const child in structuredDataElements[el].children) {
const data = structuredDataElements[el].children[child].data;
// TODO: The @type should be "Book"
// TODO: Test here
* @private
* Get the game description from its web page.
* Different processing depending on whether the game is a mod or not.
* @param {String} text Structured text extracted from the game's web page
* @param {Boolean} mod Specify if it is a game or a mod
* @returns {Promise<String>} Game description
function getOverview(text, mod) {
// Get overview (different parsing for game and mod)
const overviewEndIndex = mod ? text.indexOf("Updated") : text.indexOf("Thread Updated");
return text.substring(0, overviewEndIndex).replace("Overview:\n", "").trim();
* @private
* Check if the prefix is a game's engine.
* @param {String} prefix Prefix to check
* @return {Boolean}
function isEngine(prefix) {
const engines = toUpperCaseArray(shared.engines);
return engines.includes(prefix.toUpperCase());
* @private
* Check if the prefix is a game's status.
* @param {String} prefix Prefix to check
* @return {Boolean}
function isStatus(prefix) {
const statuses = toUpperCaseArray(shared.statuses);
return statuses.includes(prefix.toUpperCase());
* @private
* Check if the prefix indicates a mod.
* @param {String} prefix Prefix to check
* @return {Boolean}
function isMod(prefix) {
const modPrefixes = ["MOD", "CHEAT MOD"];
return modPrefixes.includes(prefix.toUpperCase());
* @private
* Makes an array of strings uppercase.
* @param {String[]} a
* @returns {String[]}
function toUpperCaseArray(a) {
* Makes a string uppercase.
* @param {String} s
* @returns {String}
function toUpper(s) {
return s.toUpperCase();
return a.map(toUpper);
//#endregion Private methods