
119 lines
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2020-11-30 09:40:23 +00:00
"use strict";
// Modules from file
const { fetchGETResponse } = require("./network-helper.js");
const f95url = require("./constants/url.js");
* @public
* Gets the URLs of the latest updated games that match the passed parameters.
* You *must* be logged.
* @param {Object} query
* Query used for the search
* @param {Number[]} [query.tags]
* List of tags to be included in the search. Max. 5 tags
* @param {Number[]} [query.prefixes]
* List of prefixes to be included in the search.
* @param {String} [query.sort]
* Sorting type between (default: `date`):
* `date`, `likes`, `views`, `name`, `weighted`
* @param {Number} [query.date]
* Date limit in days, to be understood as "less than".
* Possible values:
* `365`, `180`, `90`, `30`, `14`, `7`, `3`, `1`.
* Use `1` to indicate "today" or set no value to indicate "anytime"
* @param {Number} limit
* Maximum number of items to get. Default: 30
* @returns {Promise<String[]>} URLs of the fetched games
module.exports.fetchLatest = async function(query, limit = 30) {
// Local variables
const threadURL = new URL("threads/", f95url.F95_BASE_URL).href;
const resultURLs = [];
let fetchedResults = 0;
let page = 1;
let noMorePages = false;
do {
// Prepare the URL
const url = parseLatestURL(query, page);
// Fetch the response (application/json)
const response = await fetchGETResponse(url);
// Save the URLs
for(const result of response.data.msg.data) {
if(fetchedResults >= limit) continue;
const gameURL = new URL(result.thread_id, threadURL).href;
fetchedResults += 1;
// Increment page and check for it's existence
page += 1;
if (page > response.data.msg.pagination.total) noMorePages = true;
while (fetchedResults < limit && !noMorePages);
return resultURLs;
* @private
* Parse the URL with the passed parameters.
* @param {Object} query
* Query used for the search
* @param {Number[]} [query.tags]
* List of tags to be included in the search. Max. 5 tags
* @param {Number[]} [query.prefixes]
* List of prefixes to be included in the search.
* @param {String} [query.sort]
* Sorting type between (default: `date`):
* `date`, `likes`, `views`, `title`, `rating`
* @param {Number} [query.date]
* Date limit in days, to be understood as "less than".
* Possible values:
* `365`, `180`, `90`, `30`, `14`, `7`, `3`, `1`.
* Use `1` to indicate "today" or set no value to indicate "anytime"
* @param {Number} [page]
* Index of the page to be obtained. Default: 1.
function parseLatestURL(query, page = 1) {
// Create the URL
const url = new URL("https://f95zone.to/new_latest.php");
url.searchParams.set("cmd", "list");
url.searchParams.set("cat", "games");
// Add the parameters
if (query.tags) {
if (query.tags.length > 5)
throw new Error(`Too many tags: ${query.tags.length} instead of 5`);
for(const tag of query.tags) {
url.searchParams.append("tags[]", tag);
if (query.prefixes) {
for (const p of query.prefixes) {
url.searchParams.append("prefixes[]", p);
if(query.sort) {
const validSort = ["date", "likes", "views", "title", "rating"];
if (!validSort.includes(query.sort))
throw new Error(`Invalid sort parameter: ${query.sort}`);
url.searchParams.set("sort", query.sort);
if (query.date) {
const validDate = [365, 180, 90, 30, 14, 7, 3, 1];
if (!validDate.includes(query.date))
throw new Error(`Invalid date parameter: ${query.date}`);
url.searchParams.set("date", query.date);
if (page) url.searchParams.set("page", page);
return url.toString();